
2009-04-11 9:39 am

回答 (3)

2009-04-17 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔好為左慳少少, 以免因小失大
可以即日炒, 但一定要俾足待通知金,
未夠三個月, 但多過一個月要俾足一個月待通知金 + 機票
最好即日炒tim, 唔係多数會攪事
2009-04-11 9:43 pm
You should contact the immigration department, where issues her working visa or the labour department .
Normally, you have to pay her one month in lieu of one month's notice if she has passed the probation period stipulated in the contract. If she has not passed the probation period, you have to give her 7 days notice or 7 days pay instead.
I do not have the phone handy but you can check with telepone company by dialling 1083 for cantonese or 1081 for English to find out the telephone number of immigration.
2009-04-11 9:53 am
你應該先睇清楚, 請佢果陣同佢簽果份約嘅內容, 跟合約做就得.

駛唔駛比代通知金, 一樣係要跟合約, 有冇試用期等等......

全部都要跟合約, 唔清楚可以唔agent, 但最好自己睇, 因為有時d agent 會慒下慒下!!!

越快越好, 因為試用期多數都係一個月or三個月.

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