When a laptop is placed on an inclined surface?

2009-04-11 7:53 am
will this increase the chance of reading/writing error of hard disc and optical disc?
will this increase the wearing of the moving parts of the drives?

回答 (4)

2009-04-11 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
i highly doubt it
2009-04-11 8:04 am
i agree with Eric. most modern computer have what is called an "accelerometer," this tells the computer what orientation it is. computers with an accelerometer usually turn off or show a blue screen if you are holding it wrong or if you drop it. but you almost never have to worry about the moving parts in a laptop (unless you drop it from high up).
2009-04-11 8:02 am
A very informative website, kindly stay in website and check
2009-04-11 7:59 am
No, you shouldn't have any problems as long as you keep the laptop still on the surface. You can wear the hard drive motor and risk scratching the disk if you constantly move the laptop back and forth while using it.
Optical drives (DVD drives) won't get harmed, but there may be a temporary read error which would merely take the disk longer to get read.

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