how come white people love cute animals more than they love humans?

2009-04-11 1:10 am
They were decisive when they drop 2 atomic bombs on humanity.
they were forceful when they gassed the jews
they were unreluctant to drop napalm bombs on Vietnamese
enslaving blacks? no problem!
killing natives? sure why not!?

but if you ask them to hurt a puppy, they become wimps. what causes the white race to have this type of mentality?

回答 (10)

2009-04-11 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
What freaking white race ????
"MAN" is the aggressor, so says every country/history around the world since time immemorial. War, aggression and killing, has always been a "mans" way, so drop the white ppl bull crap and blame men.
It wasn't Alexandria the great, nor do i believe those 2 atomic bombs were dropped on totally innocent victims we weren't at war with and it did it's job, ended the war and stopped any more of our guys getting hurt that why we call it "WAR" !!
As for gassing jews, those ppl were called "Germans" so place the blame where it belongs, cause the only thing we have in common is our colour. Then of course you'll have something to say about how Egypt treated the jews too, might as well give everyone their just deserts.
But oh my god, their not white so it can't be true.
Again, with the bombs, that was America, same goes for your slavery, it's always been illegal in my adopted country or the one i came from, nor was i around to be responsible for it... why not whip some of that blame on the black guides that took the traders in to enslave their own ppl ??
And you, you've never suffered any of it, so stop holding others up as an excuse for your failures, i'm about as responsible for any of that as you are for betraying your own race.
Do you still hear Christians crying about being thrown to the lions, grow TFU and get over it, it's been hundreds of yrs and no one owes you nothing...your African brothers are slaughtering their own at this very moment, but keeping their animals safe, fact is they would kill if someone tryed to jack one of their chickens.
Fact is you'll soon learn that mankind will always find reason to fight and if we wiped out all the races in the world but one, no mater which it would be the colour of our eye's and/or hair that would seperate and cause conflict, because that is the way of mankind.
2009-04-11 1:16 am
I do love animals i have to admit. It hurts me more to see animal cruelty than it does to see cruelty towards humans (whatever their race.) I love humans as well though! But, most White people do not think like me so your question does not make sense.
2009-04-11 1:15 am
Well, some humans, blacks, are really animals, so I don't get your question...
2009-04-11 1:19 am
Is it just the white race? I love animals because they are honest and have pure souls, they cannot lie or cheat.They love you unconditionally whether you are smart or dumb, pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, you can always trust them. They are totally dependent on us, like a baby.

I can't say that about many people.
2009-04-11 1:15 am
well at least we aren't in the black market fur trade like those Africans are.
2009-04-11 1:18 am
Because the attacks on other humans were for particular reasons, usually money, power, control and dominance or revenge.
2009-04-11 1:17 am
My cat doesnt ask stupid, offensive questions.
2017-01-20 12:53 am
exciting element. I understand your argument, yet i could under no circumstances condone willfully killing any creature, different than for nutrition (human beings excluded of path). in spite of the incontrovertible fact that human beings are able to doing very atrocious issues, i think that each and each physique human beings have the skill to love. i think that love and compassion are inherent characteristics that each and each human possesses. Any lack of know-how or selfishness that arises interior of a individual is a results of environment and upbringing. that's the comparable with animals.
2016-02-17 3:55 pm
because they r complete assholes
2009-04-11 1:24 am
This is why I like/love animals more than people!

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