Time conversion question?

2009-04-10 4:50 pm
1. How many hours does 290 minutes equal?

2. How many hours does 588 minutes equal?

3. How many hours does 715 minutes equal?

4. How many hours does 910 minutes equal?

Please give me the conversion to the exact hour and minute.

Please, no decimals.

回答 (8)

2009-04-10 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you divide each by 60, you will get the answer

1. 4 hours 50 minutes
2. 9 hours 48 minutes
3. 11 hours 55 minutes
4. 15 hours 10 minutes
參考: my memories of schooling
2009-04-11 12:08 am
1. 4 hours and 50 min
2. 9 hours and 28 min
3. 11 hours and 55 min
4. 15 hours and 10 min
2009-04-11 12:04 am
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 1/60 hour

290 minutes
= 290/60 hours
= 4 50/60 hours
= 4 5/6 hours

588 minutes
= 588/60 hours
= 9 48/60 hours
= 9 4/5 hours

715 minutes
= 715/60 hours
= 11 55/60 hours
= 11 11/12 hours

910 minutes
= 910/60 hours
= 15 10/60 hours
= 15 1/6 hours
2009-04-11 12:03 am
I'll give the answer but I'll also tell you how to do it.

290 minutes:
There are 60 minutes in one hour, so divide 290 minutes by 60 minutes to know how many hours equal 290 minutes. This gives 290/60=4.833333333333. So we know it's 4 hours and 0.8333333333 of an hour but we want the minutes and not a percentage of the hour. The remaining minutes of the incomplete hour are 290 minutes minus the minutes in the complete 4 hours. This gives 290-4*60 = 290-240 = 50 minutes.
So the answer to the first question is 4 hours and 50 minutes.

588 minutes:
588 minutes = 9 hours and 48 minutes

715 minutes:
715 minutes = 11 hours and 55 minutes

910 minutes:
910 minutes = 15 hours and 10 minutes
2009-04-11 12:00 am
60 minutes = 1 hour

290/60 = 4 rem 50
290 minutes = 4 hours 50 minutes
588/60 = 9 rem 48
588 minutes = 9 hours 48 minutes

2009-04-11 12:23 am
60 minutes = 1 hour

= 290/60

290 minutes = 4 hours 50 minutes

Ans. 290 minutes = 4 hours and 50 minutes
2009-04-11 12:03 am
1) 4.83... hours or 4hr and ~48min

2) 9.8 hours or 9hr and ~48min

3) 11.916hours or 11hr 54min and 9sec about that

4) 15.16..hours or 15hr 9min and 36sec
2009-04-10 11:57 pm
divide all numbers by 60 , use calculator

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