Having problems with the National Express East Coast website on Firefox?

2009-04-10 9:45 am
Are you having trouble getting the National Express East Coast website to work with Mozilla Firefox? When I try to access the website with Firefox (Version 3.0 = latest version), I always get this message:

"Welcome! We apologise for the difficulties you’re experiencing with accessing nationalexpresseastcoast.com. We are doing all we can to get the site up and running as quickly as possible, so please check back regularly."

However, there's really no problem with the website because as soon as I switch to Internet Explorer, it's fully up and running!

So I wonder what's wrong with Firefox... is some applet failing to load and causing the website to display a "not working" message?


回答 (1)

2009-04-10 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Loads of websites don't work properly with Firefox, it's because of lazy website owners who have never heard of the Fox and design their sites to work only with Internet Exploder's poor grasp of code.

If you haven't already, get this, as it allows you to easily switch between browsers and assign different sites to different browsers: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1419

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