
2009-04-10 7:39 am

回答 (3)

2009-04-10 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Perhaps your ear duct is blocked, so the pressure on the two sides of your ear drum will be imbalanced. As a result, you will hear some echo like sound and your hearing will be blurred (or reduce in loudness). When you yawn, you jaw bone will push your ear duct, so it will temporarily unblock itself and hence your problem gets relieved. However, you need to see a 耳鼻喉科醫生 to thoroughly check - usually it is due to inflammation of your ear duct.

2009-04-10 11:06:01 補充:
P.S. ear duct =/= 污垢
ear duct is the cannel connection your middle ear to the back of your month (pharynx), you can't access it yourself.

2009-04-18 14:49:48 補充:
您的耳管被阻塞封鎖(因發炎),因此鼓膜兩面的壓力將不平衡。其結果是,你會聽到一些聲音迴聲和聽覺會模糊(或聽野細聲左,聽野冇之前禁清) 。當您打呵欠,你頜骨將推動您的耳管,所以會暫時解除本身阻塞,因此您的問題得到緩解。

2009-04-18 14:50:03 補充:
P.S.耳管阻塞= / =不是耳道多污垢
耳管是連接您中耳和咽喉 ,你不能自己使用綿花棒清潔的耳道(因為耳管在耳膜後面)。
參考: clinical neuropsychology medicine
2015-04-17 8:30 pm
I think is better to go to clinic and check it. If you have problems on Ear discharge,Itchy ear,Ear bleeding,Ear block,Sudden Deafness,Ear Problems,Ear diagnosis, you can go to ENT to check it. Here you go for the website: http://www.ent.com.hk/
2009-04-10 8:46 am
參考: 自己

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