呢 两 句 話 用 英 文 會 係 點 樣 寫 ?

2009-04-10 12:26 am
樹 欲 靜 而 風 不 息
子 欲 養 而 親 不 在

回答 (4)

2009-04-10 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
When a tree wants to keep still, yet the wind keeps blowing.
When one wants to take care of his parents, yet they are no more.
2009-04-11 6:11 am
When you want to be a good son, your parent is long gone.
2009-04-10 6:48 am


2009-04-10 5:20 am

When the tree would like to quiet down, but the wind has been blowing.

When children want to take care of their parents, but their parents have died.

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