關於english看圖作文。150字 thx...

2009-04-09 10:58 pm
題目 : keith,s mun , Mrs Cheung, witnessed a crime yesterday . She is in the police station helping with the witness report.

時間: 下午3時 地點: National Bank , 當時銀行有3位職員
有2個robbers打劫銀行,長頭髮,包著口和頭 ,只露出眼睛,手持槍 , 一個穿長t-shirt ,一個穿短的
t-shirt.2人都穿長(富),運動鞋,他們大聲說打劫 把錢放到袋子, 不要我們傷害你們,用槍指著人們 ,職員只好將錢交出,人們都 蹲在地上,不敢出聲,錢拿到手後,他們拿著袋子走了 ,他們上了一輛 wc 1511的車 ,逃跑了。

回答 (2)

2009-04-10 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yesterday, at three o'clock, I was at National Bank. There were only three staff working at that time. Suddenly, I saw two man ran in with guns on their hands. Both of them have long hair. I couldn't see their faces because they'd covered up their faces, only their eyes could be seen. One of them was wearing a T-shirt with long sleeves and the other one was wearing a T-shirt with short sleeves. They pointed at the people with their guns and said " Put the money in the bags. If you follow what I said, I will not hurt you." The three staff has no choice but to give them the money. The customers were all terrified. They all squatted down on the floor and no one was dare to make a single noise. When the robbers got all their money, they got inside their car and left; and the car's license number is WC 1511.
2009-04-10 7:07 am



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