about english

2009-04-09 8:05 pm
What is緑化环境的english?

1.What is过山车的english? 2.We can?????on the big waterslides.

回答 (6)

2009-04-09 11:50 pm
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你好,由于我觉得它有几种说法,所以我选一个比较简单的来说就好了,那就是 green the environment 咯。

因为 green 也是个动词(verb)来的。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-04-11 13:53:53 補充:
你好,过山车的英文是 roller coaster。

第二个呢,我会用 slide 或 enjoy sliding 咯。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-04-10 5:05 am
緑化环境 :

green the enviornment

green enviornment

green your enviorment

make enviorment green

green and green your enviornment

enviornment greenish

green somewhere surround you

green somewhere around you

green the city

green the place

make place green

stop making pollution to the enviornment

forbidden the pollution to the enviornment

2009-04-09 21:09:17 補充:

2009-04-11 14:47:02 補充:
1.What is过山车的english?

rollar coaster

2.We can play surfing on the big waterslides
參考: brain'sbrain'sbrain'sbrain'sbrain'sbrain, without using anything to search, 应该可以的
2009-04-09 8:55 pm
to create a greeener environment

to make our environent greener

2009-04-12 11:18:51 補充:
1. 過山車= roller coaster

2. We can surf/ play/ have fun on the big waterslides.
參考: myself, myself
2009-04-09 8:32 pm
green issue for environment or green policy for environment
2009-04-09 8:22 pm
緑化环境 :

1. make the environment more green

2. make greener the environment

3. green environment

4. greener environment

5. make the environment better

6. better environment

7. good living place

8. living in a good environment

9. living in a better environment

10. good environment

11. good and green environment

12. good environment to live

13. living in a green environment

14. green and comfortable environment

15. nice , green environment to live

16. area with green environment
參考: Brain (without using anything to search)
2009-04-09 8:12 pm
green environment

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