
2009-04-09 9:10 am

樓下再樓下個單位仲麻煩,佢對管理處聲稱有滲水,有點向我索償的意慾。但是管理處未曾成功聯絡他們入屋視察及影相。事發兩個月,他們從不知什麼途徑,查到我個全名,私自寫了封信給我,部份信的內容寫着:I will retain a plumber or other workman as it thinks necessary to repair and condition the ceiling............................and will then reimbursement from you for damages including but not limited to the repair costs.+佢個簽名......最近還有意約我出來傾,但是我卻拒絕了,我覺得佢趁機想開天殺價,想「屈」我承認責任及賠錢,仲唔單止要賠數千元咁少。我覺得佢對我有D「好人當賊辦」........

他要成功向我索償的機會有多少? 但又冇相片證明......

回答 (2)

2009-04-10 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Based on previous question (which is correct), I will answer these as:

1. No. Because property record is public and is available to search by the public.

2. No.

3. 100%. The key is how much.

4. Insurance will take care most of the liability.

5. Insurance as well.

Let me put it this way. You have filed a claim with the Insurance and Town Gas already agrees on the liability. So it sounds like you will not be affected that much. Eventually, Town Gas is probably going to be responsible for the entire claim (Insurance will claim back from Town Gas). The only issue here is how cooperative is the owner downstairs. When he refused to damage assessment, it will be his disadvantage because he must be able to prove the damage for justify the claim. Apparently, he will not be able to do that.

What you should do is never attempt to contact that owner. Instead, forward all letters and questions to your insurance company. They will handle it on your behalf. Let insurance to protect you.

In case you feel like it is a fraud, you should discuss with your insurance company and alert the police.

2009-04-12 8:43 am

只要佢係合法情況下, (如去田土廳查) 取得資料, 是無問題是恰當的.


文內所說, 只是一般情序說法, 如賠償精神損失.....
佢真係告上庭, 法官會要求佢提供証據, 漏水唔可能會有咁大鑊!

他要成功向我索償的機會有多少? 但又冇相片證明......

因索償額好細, 數千元左右. 對方只可向小額錢債案法庭起訴!
小額錢債案法庭係唔可以用律師, 輸晒都係佢索償o既金額!

如要打多幾堂, 堂費都係好少!

再因你隔左一層樓, 佢好難舉証!

但以息事寧人o既態度, 因你有買家居保險, 你應將信件交保險公司, 由保險公司跟進!

你亦可向保險公司查詢他們會否向媒氣公司索償, 如會, 他們會否將你已付的「墊底費」$500元一并索償?


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