for girls, is it possible?

2009-04-08 4:22 pm
is it possible for you to love a short asian guy like 5 feet
and not handsome and cute, just a bit ok
but he is a cool guy

what is your point of view about this?.

回答 (60)

2009-04-08 4:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no...wtfs wrong with you
2009-04-08 4:38 pm
HEy simple Guy, and yes it is possible. Cause of onn simple thing/reason "Love is Blind". And it sounds like she really loves you for who you are and what you look like. and a being a cool guy is what she really loves, the personality. to give you an example, she wont leave you for sure because she already loves you for who you are inside, and not for the attractiveness, hey and i didnt mean to say that you are ugly. she finds you adorable and lovable k. and what iam about to say don't think iam commanding/bossy but take it as a suggestion, "don't you ever let go off her" k she is your gift from God. she loves you for sure. and to me personally it's fine even though iam 5 feet 6 inches ahahahh.......gud luck simple guy. Tac care:) and hope it helps.
2009-04-08 4:37 pm
I wouldn't give him a second look... He's short, I don't like short guys. I also haven't ever met an asian guy I was attracted to.

I like tall, bulky, and handsome.
2009-04-08 4:36 pm
Every1 have their own views on handsome and cute.
Never judge it by yourself. It is the matter of the other half sees.

In your case, just a bit, probably not a matter. Just be truth to the other and u will find one soon.

One will be attracted.
2009-04-08 4:32 pm
Technically i would say yes anything's possible but i wouldnt go through the crap about there love for everyone well **** that u can see loners on the streets and did they find love lmao, not to "everyone" its like saying everyone in the world have parent ****** wrong not all have parent
2009-04-08 4:31 pm
i think that if there is a connection between two people, than it doesnt matter what physical qualities the people have. it seems like our bodys are just like woman's make-up. some people had a good make-up artist, some people, not so good. however, the personality is the biggest part. as far as i go, i am more attracted to a warm personality than hot looks. looks fade anyways, but the person inside doesn't. so **** YEAH ITS POSSIBLE :) if hes cool, "okay", and treats me like a queen, i would be proud to call him mine!
2009-04-08 4:30 pm
Of course it is!

My last boyfriend was (I hate to say it) very unattractive, but we fell in love after being best friends for a year! I know how you may feel, because I remember when I was falling for my ex, I kept thinking to myself "this is crazy, he's not attractive" and "how am I ever suppose to be intimate with him", but after a while when I started falling in love with him, looks did not matter.

It is hard of course to put looks aside (especially height) when you are used to dating very attracive people, but it can be a very rewarding relationship. Give it a chance, and do not let anybody make you feel insecure about it (including yourself).
2009-04-08 4:29 pm
ya it is possible! Without a doubt! Maybe the fact is that it might take time but the most wonderful womyn will see you for the man you are and luv you. As long as you are their for her and do what you can to be the man you are she will luv you... dunt let anything stop you! Maybe just show confidence (it makes you look taller ) be yourself and be proud of who u r. a real woman will look past all that no matter what she may say to her buddies>
2009-04-08 4:27 pm
if you come out and start pointing out your 'flaws' or what you think others might view as 'flaws', than no on is going to want to date you. girls want a guy who is confident about who he is and what he looks like, no matter WHAT that may be. If you say "I'm not that great looking and I have bad hair and crooked teeth and I smell bad...BUT, I'm a cool guy, would you date me?", it's a huge turn off. If you seem insecure about yourself or feel you are mediocre, then girls will just wonder what else you are insecure about.

be confident! it doesn't matter what you look like, so just make sure you are of good character and personality and run with it.
2009-04-08 4:27 pm
Youre either an asian gy thats 5 feet or a guy with a girl that fell for a 5 foot asian guy. Yeah it's possible it depends though whether....well......I wouldnt unless he was supa cute... :):):)
2009-04-08 4:27 pm
Sure it is.
Not all people go just for looks.
I know it may seem like it, given how mean the media and the girls in school are.
But a lot of girls are just out looking for a guy that they really click with. =]

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