How do I attract women?

2009-04-08 9:18 am
Well I'm 21 turning 22 in the summer and I have yet to have a girlfriend. I never show it, but I really want one. All of my friends have girlfriends and whenever we hang out, I'm always the only one who doesn't have a girl to cuddle with and love; it's not a great feeling.
I think I've tried just about everything on trying to attract girls, I'm in pretty good shape and I dress nice but I've still come up short. I think my biggest problem is that I'm too "nice". A lot of guys tell me that I have to be a dick and some people suggest to be even cocky. Does this really work? Should I really start acting slightly more like an a**hole?

回答 (6)

2009-04-08 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
nooooooooo, stay what you are like. nice guys are good.
but maybe u need to be slightly more aggressive when u meet someone u r interested in. dont be shy/passive!
and i think the best way would be to ask your friends to introduce girls to u, cuz this is more normal and easier to develop something.
2016-12-23 5:54 pm
參考: Find A Girl Fast
2016-11-26 12:35 am
One of the best ways to solve your "How do I attract women" problem is to use body language. The way you move, your facial expression, and even your voice will have a great impact when it comes to how women see you.

Another tip is to just simply be yourself. Fake men appear to be cocky and overconfident, which women are not attracted to. It still pays to be you. After all, you don't like her to do just the same to you, right? Don't show your nervousness or even your anxiety. Women even find them to be really cute, and you would become more endearing to them. You should also pay close attention to what they're talking about. They truly appreciate men who listen to them, no matter how boring the topic can be.
參考: seduce any woman
2016-04-26 5:20 am
If you will want great solution for everyone how getting started with pickup then to kick-start your success with women you will need this guide the Tao of Badass from here .
Everything required to know you will find in that guide: appeal, rapport, attraction and connection stability
With the Tao of Badass you may learn that supreme accomplishment concerns those who can “start to see the matrix” which as Joshua Pellicer, the guy behind that book, puts it, is viewing which phase of the chart of relationship you're in although you're in it and when guess what happens stage you are in, you'll understand how to properly steer your way to the next.
2016-03-03 3:47 pm
I don't think you have your facts straight about this. Women have always been more comfortable than men being physically close in the sense of hugging and touching each other. But I doubt that there is any more real sexuality in it now than there ever was, except that the taboos against acting out have been removed for most modern women. Someone once said that 10% of people are naturally gay. It may be an order of magnitude guess, but let's use it. In 1950, possibly as many as 10% of those (i.e., 1% of all women) actually found a way past the taboos to have an actual lesbian experience. The rest just found themselves less interested in men than other women, and no big deal. Perhaps a bit of self-questioning as teenagers, but nothing very well understood, because it was taboo even to talk about it. Today, the proportion of those who find their way to "the gay community" and meet someone else who is similarly inclined is much greater. But also, many women just go a little too far being close to a friend at some point (perhaps when drunk), get uncomfortable with it, and go back to being huggy, touchy type people who don't interpret that as sexual. Others find they are less comfortable with hugging and touching after that. I had to re-learn how to give a friend a hug without thinking it is "unnatural" after I got a little too close. Perhaps that's why there is also a category "bisexual."
2009-04-08 9:37 am
Okay slow down cowboy. You're first problem is you're taking advice from guys. Don't do that. Now second of all, there are several different kinds of "nice" all of which are MUCH better then being an asshole. There is the "too nice" guy which is like constant compliments and such, which makes us feel like your either being fake or trying to hard. Then theres just generally "nice" which is tricky because it often lands you in the friend zone. Finally, theres "flirty nice", which is what you want to aim for. Flirty nice is where you can be yourself, but step it up a notch. Be confident, compliment her ONCE OR TWICE, not every single sentence. Have a sense of humor, look her in the eye, touch her arm or lower back when you're talking to her. You want her to see you as a man, not a friend. Be confident, bordering on cocky, but never an asshole. While assholes seem to attract girls, they arent what girls look for in relationships. If you want a relationship, be yourself, just change your approach.

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