I find it a total lie that girls?

2009-04-08 8:57 am
I find it a total lie when girls say they fall for the guys that make them laugh.

It all matters about the body!

See for me I am known as the class clown yet I have all top grades, but there is one problem I am 160 so I am not one of those 6 -pac guys. I play baseball so I try to keep active so I know for a fact all the girls I try to hook with they care about the guys body and not their personality they are just like guys.......

We like butt and boobs :P

I guess it does depend on the girl. But, yeah I am a very goofy person :) But I know for a fact they won't ever date me because I dont have like a 4 pac or wtf that **** is. Keg Pac > 6 Pac


Ahahah Im 5'6 :P Kinda short. I guess lol not really.


Im being such a hypocrite then............... I try to get the pretty girls but yet I complain how the pretty girls dont go with the ugly guys./

回答 (5)

2009-04-08 9:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
There must be girls that prefer personality than appearance.

the point is why do YOU always want to hook up with the shallow girls (who usually are the 'pretty' ones)?
2009-04-08 4:20 pm
at first yes its what you look like
but i fell in love with a ugly guy ( not being mean)
and he has man boobs haha
and he gets more sex then all the hot guys
personality matters a lot cause looks only get you so far and then girls will realize how crap you really are
2009-04-08 4:10 pm
Everyone is different, some like funny guys, others funny guys...I like funny and good looking guys.
2009-04-08 4:03 pm
You know what? Im gonna have to say that is true, I would like a guy who makes me laugh but not the clown type, Im talking more witty/sarcastic remarks, also he has to have the body to go with it, Im a very health conscious person and gym 6 days a week so I wouldnt settle with anyone less committed to their body. Also 160 lbs is not that much weight for a guy unless you're like under 6 feet, my boyfriend is 6'3 and 170 lbs and he looks fit!
2009-04-08 4:01 pm
Depends on the girl and if she's mature or not really.

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