Does Infinity in maths and Photon in physics point to The Almighty God?

2009-04-08 8:39 am
are they just blind faiths, a sort of religous beliefs

If it is nothing, then without that today's physics and maths becomes nothing also. If they are beliefs (faith in unseen), then why cant we accept religous beliefs? "Faith in unseen" is not against science.


So when we dont know still the creation itself, how can we quantify or define the Creator.

回答 (12)

2009-04-08 8:53 am
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Infinity is a clearly defined idea in mathematics and photons are clearly defined hypothetical objects in physics.
Also, there is no prove either exists, and no prove that the Almighty God exists too.
參考: Z
2009-04-08 8:48 am
Infinity has its definition in Maths.
Photon has its definition and assumptions in Physics.
They are science terms and not related to religion.
2009-04-08 9:29 am
Infinity is something that has no beginning or End.
Photon is an imaginary construct to indicate how much power of radiation penetrates or exits an atom. As we can presently only understand that main stream physics has no real concept of the structure of light as a physical entity.

In the Biblical Record of Creation ,it is indicated that our Creator made the first micro mass of light as a physical structure. This is the only clue about this very dense massive particle of light which was the singularity of all complex mass structures in the Universe..

Scientifically in the physical sense we have only a worm's view of what constitutes" Life." Let alone trying to observe Heaven beyond the Universe or defining The process of the Creation of the Universe.

Hence; Since we barely understand the physical structure of matter we even understand less of what is Spirit ,In the Spiritual Realm.

Science attempts to unravel the mysteries of the Universe that our Creator has Set. Hence Theories are just a shot in the dark. Consequently, they are only theories which may or may not represent the Truth about Reality..Therefore it is considered as a belief system.

Our Creator is Reality.
參考: The nature of light The singularities in the Universe The Creation of light in Biblical Record Mathematical concepts and constructs
2009-04-08 8:46 am
No. Neither of them 'point' to much of anything since there are no direction cosines intrinsically associated with either of them.

2016-12-03 6:18 pm
nicely!!!!!!!!!! no longer all 3!!!!!! Photon is an hassle-unfastened particle of light. It has 0 mass. It has no electric charge, and does no longer decay spontaneously in empty area. a mild-twelve months is the gap that mild (photon) travels in a vacuum in one Julian twelve months. consequently, the two are realisitic parts on the subject of a minimum of one yet another!!! Else, you won't be able to work out any mild besides as stars that are billions of light years away!!! yet, Infinity is a thought in arithmetic and philosophy that refers to a volume without sure or end. consequently, it pertains to Almighty GOD!!! The techniques in countless streams that are on the subject of the Almighty are: * faith - GOD * arithmetic - Infinity * Physics - capacity * Astronomy - Universe
2009-04-12 7:20 am
You err. Infinity is a well defined concept in mathematics. The question about whether infinity "exists" or not is complex. But if one exists then, likely, so does infinity.
A photon is a well defined entity in physics.
Something along the lines of if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then its a duck.
God can not be demonstrated in such a explicit fashion as is easily do-able with photons. Nor is God necessary to use in the accurate (mathematical) predictions of various real phenomena while infinity is.
So, we have (as far is Scientifically known) the facts that God is neither necessary nor sufficient for physics as we now understand it.
Personally, I believe that beauty proves the existence of god, but thats just me. If god were provable, then what need faith? I'm not sure the world would be better for its lack.
To those who claim science is not based on faith, your error is the worse, but I have no time for such vast ignorance and delusion. It is grade school philosophy and you should be ashamed at your ignorance, those who aspire to approach truth.
2009-04-08 10:17 pm
Infinity doesn't exist but assuming its existence helps solve mathematical problems, but photons are not just an assumption photons do exist and their definition in physics is, energy particles that don't have a mass but have mass properties.
2009-04-08 7:26 pm
This question belongs in the mythical Metaphysics category. For me deja vu is where religion most obviously intersects with science, perhaps implying that the Big Bang is part of a larger cycle and Jung's collective unconcious has a basis in science.
參考: Schroedinger's Cat.
2009-04-08 11:32 am
Infinity in maths means endless. Counting the sand particles in a beach is endless but it exits and you can count one by one. How can it be a belief like God which does not exits?
2009-04-08 10:07 am
Sorry, but infinity and photons are not god. They are also not beliefs.

There are different types of infinity, so does that prove there are different gods? Also, infinity in math is always "further away" and never right there at a particular place, but many people say god is everywhere.

A photon may not have mass, but it is still "there". You can predict what a photon will do, and measure its properties. Again, there are many photons, so are there many gods?

Math and science NEVER use blind faith - but instead use mathematical proofs and the scientific method. Why? Because the difference between science and religion is that science seeks truth without relying on faith, while religion relies on faith to seek truth.

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