Adding his friends on facebook...?

2009-04-08 8:31 am
Basically, I met the friends of the guy I have been dating recently (we are not bf/gf, just gone on dates). We went to a club and we all got a little bit wasted, and ended up having a lot of fun. This was saturday night. I haven't spoken to any of his friends since, and I didn't really think about it until my friend was really surprised that I didn't add these guys on facebook. I never thought it was a big deal. I'd met the guys once, sure we got along well, but I'm not even this guys girlfriend.
I still don't really think it's a big deal, but according to my friend it is, and I don't want to offend anyone I guess... What do you think? To add or not to add?

回答 (10)

2009-04-08 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can add them if you want, but don't feel obligated to do so. Look at it this way - they haven't stepped out to add you either, so most likely they aren't offended either. If you feel like you might like to continue having a connection with them, then for sure add them. But it's not necessary, and don't add them out of guilt or insincerity.
2016-05-23 5:23 pm
I only add friends, or people I know from school. People I hate from school, I won't add. I made this rule after a woman added about 571 friends, and they were only students from two schools. Everyone on her FB was like "who the hell is dis chik? she iz lyk stalkin uss" I removed her before further chaos ensued. I'm never on FB, anyway. The last time I got on was about two months ago. I think FB is pointless.
2009-04-08 9:38 am
it is not necessary to add his friends. you guys have met once in a club only. i mean.. who remembers who was in a club with them.
as long as u already friended your guy, then it is totally ok.
add his friends maybe after u met them again
2009-04-08 8:51 am
Everything is a BIG deal, everything and no one is immune.
2009-04-08 8:43 am
Do not add his friends. It will freak him out and scare him away. This is coming from a guy. I cannot answer this question any more decisively without using all CAPS. This happened to me, and it freaks the friends out, and then in turn, the friends freak the guy out. My friends were up my *** after that girl added all of them. yikes.
參考: personal experience
2009-04-08 8:40 am
they met you once and you want to add them on facebook??? and you are only seeing him???

that would be WAY too weird... don't do it...
2009-04-08 8:37 am
only add them if you really want to
they can always add you if they
really want to, your not obliged to
add them seeing that you only met
them once.
good luck
2009-04-08 8:37 am
You can add them, it's no big deal, but it shouldn't be if you don't.

Depends what you show on your facebook profile... If there are things there you're not ready to share with them, don't add yet.
2009-04-08 8:36 am
You do not have to add them. Think of it this way. Are these people you would even remotely concerned about on a day to day basis? If not there is no need to add them to your facebook. That is what bootleg myspace is for. For all the people who are not friends but only associates lol.
2009-04-08 8:35 am
I wouldnt just because they might think you are obsessed and weird lol I would wait until you get to hang out with him and his friends a couple more times.

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