
2009-04-09 5:56 am

→ 分刺面配(刺配)及不刺面配(加役流)
→ 集刺、杖、流于一身,指在犯人臉上刺字/符號,外加杖脊後流配充軍
二. 編管
→ 將犯人強制遣送遠地,编入當地户籍,並將其置於監管狀態下,約束其行動
三. 羈管
→ 類似編管,但等級較輕
四. 居住﹑安置
→ 運用卞責降官員
→ 居住刑輕於安置,安置輕於編管,這些都是不同等級的處罰而已
五. 移鄉
→ 將犯人強制遞徙別州鄉居住
六. 令眾
→ 公開犯人的罪狀,把犯人拿去遊街示罪
七. 鎖閉
→ 將犯人置於固定的場所,使其失去自由,通常施行於宗室成員
八. 沒官為奴
→ 重大罪犯的家屬常沒為官府奴婢,終身服役
九. 籍沒財產
→ 將犯人家資財產充公
十. 度為僧尼﹑女冠
→ 剃為僧尼﹑女冠,允許祖父母及守孝的親戚婦人與所生兒女,側近處相見,不得經宿,每月不得超
十一. 舉人永不得應舉
→ 讀書的士子被剝奪應舉的資格
十二. 僧道還俗
→ 強制僧人﹑道士落為凡人

thank you:)

回答 (3)

2009-04-09 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
God Zong Dui has approved restores the corporal punishment:
Along with society's development, people's social activity scope big expansion, lives contentedly in one place with little inclination to move elsewhere the idea has not looked like was formerly thick. Therefore the punishment of exile punishment strength is weaken. The late king therefore uses to add the service class substitution, also the foot has not punished, afterward also has tattoos the face and exiles to the frontier, the foot has not waited, therefore also has the difference far and near, covers the late king to enlighten clearly, the custom becomes, therefore the corporal punishment is may implement. In addition the ignorant and stubborn people fold the stick law is tired ten days later are restored to health, then has forgotten the pain, has no qualms heart of the shame.

Wang Anshi thought:
implements the corporal punishment not to have the harm, but must consider earnestly. If the imperial guard runs away has not had the influence to army's structure, is also in by no means goes on an expedition the time, then may cut off feet replaces sentences to beheading.
arranged thorn editing official Zeng Bu "Corporal punishment To discuss" in said:
the Song Dynasty's penalty, light is excessively light, heavy is overweight, but corporal punishment's duplicate line, like 剕 the punishment (breaks foot) the castration (to castrate male reproductive organ, to destroy female to reproduce function) to cut off the nose the punishment (to cut off receiving punishment person's nose), replaces light death penalty, among the achievement lacks connection. Such many facing the death penalty, thoses may therefore attain live.

2009-04-08 22:28:05 補充:
Lu Gongbi opposes the duplicate good corporal punishment:
thought that the corporal punishment abolished for more than 1000 years, once restores, as soon as the popular sentiment startles moves, does not favor the social stability.

2009-04-08 22:28:28 補充:
Moreover although the ancient times had law of the corporal punishment, has also not implemented in Yao and Shun's ancient times time.

2009-04-08 22:29:08 補充:
privy council matter Lu Gongzhuo thought:because before
, a generation of Confucianism has not only prepared, but punishment prison numerous, cannot restore the corporal punishment.although

2009-04-08 22:30:10 補充:
highest ruler Song Shenzong also the urge implements the corporal punishment, the corporal punishment has not been able to restore finally in Song Dynasty, because “by this law long waste with difficulty sudden line”.

2009-04-08 22:30:11 補充:
highest ruler Song Shenzong also the urge implements the corporal punishment, the corporal punishment has not been able to restore finally in Song Dynasty, because “by this law long waste with difficulty sudden line”.

2009-04-08 22:30:29 補充:
Since the Han Dynasty waste corporal punishment, to the Song Dynasty more than 1000 years, society's development went back but actually again with difficulty. Therefore this related corporal punishment's discussion has not had the result.

2009-04-08 22:32:19 補充:
唔夠位打牙....下次咪PO 咁多字架啦...
2009-04-10 7:28 am


2009-04-09 7:26 am
Too the Zu sets up Long for two years, Run in Marchary, the monk ways pay to face in succession while returning to teacher Kaifeng from the Yang state, only Hui text etc. monk and women Han drink to spread a shed, too Zu great anger, orderany mansion in Kaifeng to gather many Zhangs to kill a Hui text.Leave city:The corruption takes bribe
As:Too the Zu is dry and virtuous for three October, years, in the prince shed Wang2 Zhao3 because the power knows west county is abused law by hush money homicide and is left city.Open a treasure for eight June, years, Song state observation judge Cui invite, record a matter three destriers rest etc. because of take bribe illegal and is left city.
Zhe Xing:As:Set up Long three August, years, be responsible for Cai4 He2 work key link officer, Wang2 Xun4, wait for at the Chan inside the provisions for army delivered into the bran soil miscellaneous scraps and behave sue, too the Zu then issues imperial edict to arrest Wang2 Xun4 mansion in Kaifeng etc."the Zhe Xing City".Clan Xing:Attempt rebellion, greatly negative
As:Too the Zu is dry and virtuous four September, years, the tiger Jie conductor makes Sun Jin4 and dragon Wei the conductor make the etc.27 people of Wu2 Huan2 knot a party insurrection and all judge death penalty Xing, and"Yi enter clan", namely clan Xing.
Cut in half:Be disappeared to Song generation formal code of laws
As:The peace makes a country strong for five years and Wen Zhou's making Liu2 Weng is cut in half because of keeping the cat ghost damning homicide

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