
2009-04-09 3:24 am
Diagnostic Overview:

You are unbalanced but still functional in society. Barely. Consider voluntary admission to a whacko-ward until you figure out what the hell your problem is. You shouldn't be left alone for any length of time because your bizarre ideas will get you into trouble. Again. People who answer as you did make a habit of not wearing underwear.

Long-Term Prognosis:

You can be cured, but only if you stop watching The Jerry Springer Show. Meditate deeply, become aware of who you are and your place in the world. Find inner peace and become content to master yourself. Or forget all that crap and go have a beer- it's cheaper and faster. You also hate your brothers and sisters because of childhood traumas (unless you don't have any brothers or sisters, in which case, you hate someone else).

回答 (2)

2009-04-09 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Diagnostic Overview:診斷的概括要點:

You are unbalanced but still functional in society. Barely. 你是心理不平衡的,但是在社會上仍然是有功能的,僅僅算有而已。
Consider voluntary admission to a whacko-ward until you figure out what the hell your problem is. 考慮一下自願地入住精神病房,直至你弄清楚,你真正出了甚麼問題。
You shouldn't be left alone for any length of time because your bizarre ideas will get you into trouble. 你不應該在任何時段獨處,因為你的奇怪思想會為你帶來麻煩。
Again. People who answer as you did make a habit of not wearing underwear. 而且,像你這樣給答案的人,有一種不穿內衣褲的習慣。

Long-Term Prognosis:長期可預知的情況 (日後的)

You can be cured, but only if you stop watching The Jerry Springer Show. 你可以被醫好的,只要你停止觀看 The Jerry Springer Show.
Meditate deeply, become aware of who you are and your place in the world. 深深地銘想,在意你是誰,和你在這世上的地位。
Find inner peace and become content to master yourself. 找到內心的平靜,也因能主宰自己而滿足。
Or forget all that crap and go have a beer- it's cheaper and faster. 或者,忘記那全部的麻煩事,去喝杯啤酒,這樣快些和便宜些。
You also hate your brothers and sisters because of childhood traumas (unless you don't have any brothers or sisters, in which case, you hate someone else). 你也因著童年的創傷,恨你的兄弟姊妹 (除非你沒有兄弟姊妹,在這情況下,你恨另外的人了。)
2009-04-09 3:40 am

你是不平衡,但仍功能在社會。 勉強。 考慮一個 whacko 病房的自願進入,直到您弄清地獄您的問題是什麼。 你不應該離開獨自長任何的一段時間,因為你奇怪的想法會將您遇到麻煩。 再次。 回答你做的不戴內衣習慣的人。


如果您停止看的傑瑞史賓格顯示,可以是固化,但唯一。 深打坐,成為意識到你是誰及你在世界的地點。 查找內和平,並成為內容,以掌握自己。 或忘記所有評頭論足,去有一個啤酒 emdash 它的便宜、 更快。 你亦恨你兄妹由於兒童創傷的 (除非不要有任何的兄弟或姊妹,在這種情況下,你恨別人)
參考: SOR(有D字唔識譯)

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