
2009-04-09 1:52 am
Look at this picture, These is seafood, Picture in many different kinds of seafood. Has fishs crabs shrimps shellfishs et cetera. They seem with animation. Some seafood can be water jet. This seafood is from "Aberdeen" fish market. Seafood is gorw natural ago, but now more seafood is reared by men.
How to cook with seafood, People usually can bake them, pan fried them and to steam with lemon. But I like make seafood gumbo and to stew them with coconut. I sure is delicious when chef cook finish.
Fisher catch seafood difficult if weather is be poor. Therefore seafood have be flexible in the price...
Please help me corrct English part ...thank you so much..

回答 (4)

2009-04-10 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
hello! ^^::


These is seafood, Picture in many different kinds of seafood. Has fishs crabs shrimps shellfishs et cetera. [錯]

Look at this picture. We can see different kinds of seafood, fish, crabs, shrimps, shellfish etc. [對]


「fish」 的眾數也是 「fish」

「fishes」 解魚類

The fishes of the Fraser River include salmon and sturgeon.


They seem with animation.
They seem fresh. [對]

它有另一個解釋 -- 起勁、興奮, 只限於修飾人的感覺(不常用)

生猛即新鮮--- 「fresh」
seem fresh = 像很新鮮

魚蝦蟹不會噴水, 只是它們跳來跳去弄濕地方吧!

[第三] This seafood is from Aberdeen fish market. [錯]
They are from Aberdeen fish market. (由香港仔魚市場來的)

不要常常提著seafood,用 they代替 different kinds of seafood (不同種類的海鮮)

seafood 前不應是this,因為你在說所有海鮮,不是說某一個!

[第四] Seafood is grow natural ago[錯]

The fish grew naturally before. [對]

不用is grown ,不是被動形

Natural- 自然的 (grow natural -- 錯)
naturally-自然地 (grow naturally-- 對)

當那些魚自己生長時, 還未是海鮮-seafood
所以用回 「fish 」 --- The fish grew naturally before


but now more seafood is reared by men (多了人工飼養的)
but most of them are reared by men now. (大部分由人工飼養)


how to cook with seafood? 這句不用 with,

how to cook with seafood - 怎樣與海鮮一起煮 (煮自己?)
how to cook seafood - 怎樣煮海鮮

用「Do you know how to cook seafood? 」 比較恰當,
即問人 --- 你知道怎樣煮海鮮嗎?

如果一開始就 -- How to cook seafood? , 好像要人教你怎樣煮..


沒錯, 如果你不斷用them, 會很悶和長氣
你新改那段不錯啊 !

People usually bake oyster with pepper, fried shellfish with pan, steam fishs with lemon.

‧oyster 眾數加「s」

‧fried不用過去式 ---轉「 fry」

‧ fry已經包括煎的意思, 不必說是用 鑊 煎啦! 不用鑊煎用什麼 啊?

‧fishs 不要 s (剛解釋過)

‧steam fish 前加「 and」


But I like make seafood gumbo, deep fry crabs with totatoes and stew shrmps with coconut. [錯]

「我喜歡‧‧‧ 」的句式是 ---- 「I like to + 動詞基本形」

例: I like to watch TV.

所以,我喜歡做海鮮羮 --- I like TO make seafood gumbo.

你串錯了兩個字, 相信只是打錯!


你打了 - totatoes , 不知是薯仔還是蕃茄...

薯仔 - potatoes , 蕃茄 - tomatoes, 蝦 - shrimps


「當廚師煮好後我相信一定會是好美味的」 --


因為你之前說別人喜歡烘煎蒸, 而你就喜歡做海鮮羮,
然後又說廚師煮會很美味。 (不知你說什麼)

!!!! ******還有第十的錯誤. 沒位打, 我會補充!!!!!!!

2009-04-09 16:45:47 補充:
Fisher catch seafood difficult if weather is be poor. Therefore seafood have be flexible in the price. [錯]
Fisher can hardly catch any fish if the weather is poor. Therefore, the price of seafood is flexible. [對]


2009-04-09 16:46:01 補充:
「can hardly 」不能/很難
「can hardly catch any fish」很難捉魚
例l: I can hardly breathe. (我不能呼吸)

.weather 前面有 「the」

.「the price of seafood is flexible」 海鮮價錢是會變動的。


2009-04-09 16:46:43 補充:
Look at this picture. We can see different kinds of seafood, fish, crabs, shrimps, shellfish etc. They seem fresh. They are from Aberdeen fish market. The fish grew naturally before, but most of them are reared by men now.


2009-04-09 16:47:20 補充:
Do you know how to cook seafood? People usually bake oysters with pepper, fry shellfish and steam fish with lemon.
But I like to make seafood gumbo, deep fry crabs with tomatoes and stew shrimps with coconut.


2009-04-09 16:47:34 補充:
Fisher can hardly catch any fish if the weather is poor. Therefore, the price of seafood is flexible.

(完成-- 再見!)
參考: :)
2009-04-17 11:10 pm
002 answer is lucid..We easy understande her explantion..
2009-04-10 7:34 am

2009-04-09 8:38 pm
Look at this picture,it is some seafood,there are many different kinds
of seafood,such as fishs,carbs,shrimps and Shellfish.It's seem that
they are very animation,some will jet water too.The seafood are
come from Aberdeen fish market.In the past,they gorw by themself
but now aday many of them are keeping by human.
How to cook the seafood people usually bake them,fried them with
pan,steam them with lemon.But I like make seafood gumbo and stew them with coconut.I believe that it will be very delicious after the
chef cook them.
If the weather is bad the seafood are difficult to catch,so the price
will have variation.
參考: me

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