
2009-04-09 12:00 am


回答 (3)

2009-04-09 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before very long time, one loves king who very much dresses up, must put on the new upper and lower garments frequently, but in the city designers have not been able to satisfy him. One day's, some external merchant to king said that he has brought most unusual upper and lower garments, must be the smart person can look obtains. What although king hasn't seen, but because is not willing to acknowledge that he is not intelligent, therefore then depended on merchant's instruction to put on this upper and lower garments. Afterward put on this upper and lower garments to go on an inspection tour, finally degenerated into the people to smile splendidly, because he revealed is smiled by the human
2009-04-10 6:19 am
Before very long time, one loves king very much who dresses up, must put on the new upper and lower garments frequently, but in the city designers have not been able 夠 to satisfy him. One day, some external merchant to king said that he has brought most unusual upper and lower garments, must be the smart person can look obtains. What although king hasn't seen, but because is not willing to acknowledge that he is not intelligent, therefore then depended on merchant's instruction to put on this upper and lower garments. Afterward put on this upper and lower garments to go on an inspection tour, finally degenerated into the people to smile splendidly, smiles because of his 祼 dew by the human.

2009-04-09 22:20:24 補充:

^ this 網址!
2009-04-09 8:50 am
Before very long time, one loves king who very much dresses up, must put on the new upper and lower garments frequently, but in the city designers have not been ableito satisfy him. One day's, some external merchant to king said that he has brought most unusual upper and lower garments, must be the smart person can look obtains. What although king hasn't seen, but because is not willing to acknowledge that he is not intelligent, therefore then depended on merchant's instruction to put on this upper and lower garments. Afterward put on this upper and lower garments to go on an inspection tour, finally degenerated into the people to smile splendidly, smiles because of his 祼 dew by the human

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 10:49:07
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