
2009-04-08 8:45 pm

Mary : thanks Peter
Peter : Anytime!


2.點解係Are you taking medicine for your cold?
而吾係Do you take medicine for your cold?



回答 (3)

2009-04-08 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 anytime平時係隨時都可以,不過呢度應該係無任歡迎,好似welcome咁解

2 are you taking係現在進行式,即係而家有冇食醫感冒嘅藥
do you take 係現在式,即係平時感冒有冇食藥

are跟adj冇錯,do跟verb(take都啱),但係are --ing係一組動詞,表示時態,同do+verb一樣,都係動詞嘅時態,形容詞就同時態冇關,adj唔可以跟do

例:they are going to market佢地去街市
they are beautiful(adj) 佢地好靚
唔同意思嘅時候,後面嘅字都唔同,動詞可能係are --ed
2009-04-17 9:58 pm
1. Anytime! = It is my pleasure to do things for you at anytime.

2. Are you taking medicine for your cold?
This can be explained by the following examples.
Are you preparing for your examinations?
Are you coming home for dinner tonight?
Are you going to the airport tomorrow?
Are you waiting for your friends?
The above actions may have been planned, beginning from the past
and continuing in the future.

Do you take medicine for your cold?
The above question can be explained as follows:-
There are two possible meanings.
1. I do not know whether you will take medicine or not when you
have a cold.
You may just take more rest and drink more water and do not like to
take any medicine.

2.You can answer by saying " Yes, I take medicine for my cold."
I will take medicine when I have a cold.
2009-04-08 11:32 pm

1) 在你你这段对话里头的 anytime 意思是“不客气”或“我很乐意帮忙”。这是对别人的感谢所做出的一种回应。

2) 首先,我不知道你是否自己造这个句子还是抄回来的?我觉得好像有点语法上的错误,也有可能没有。就让我解释给你看吧。

Are you taking “some” medicine for your cold? 是对的,你是否知道 Present Continuous Tense 可以用在 Near Future(较近的未来事物)吗?


Are you “always” taking medicine for your cold? 意思是你老是/一直(会在你伤风的时候)服感冒药吗?

如果你是抄回来的并且又是对的,那我只能说“are you taking medicine for your cold?”可能是跟第一个解释相似多点。


are 的后面不一定要用形容词(adjective)的。请看以下的句子:-

a) You are my friend. (你是我的朋友。)
---> my friend 可不是个形容词来的哦,反而是个名词(noun)。

b) You are listening to music. (你正在听歌/音乐。)
这个在讲着你在做着某样东西(它是原自 am/is/are + present participle 的结构)。

c) I am old, but you are young. (我老了,而你年轻。)
---> 不用说,你也应该懂这个是用在形容词的前面咯。

do 的后面也不一定是动词(verb)来的,因为 do 是及物动词(transitive verb),也是不及物动词(intransitive verb)和其它等。也请看以下的句子:-

a) I can do my homework by myself. (我能/可以靠自己做我的功课/作业。)
---> do 的后面是个名词(noun),所以 do 在这里是个及物动词(transitive verb)。

b) Do as you are told. (照吩咐去做。)
---> do 的后面没有任何名词,所以 do 在这里是个不及物动词(intransitive verb)

c) Do you dine out much? (你常常外出吃饭吗?)
---> do 在这边是个助动词(auxiliary verb),就好像你所说的一样,do 的后面是个动词咯。

Do you take medicine for your cold? 说起这个啊,你很大可能就是在说着平常的东西。
Simple Present Tense 是用在 an action is repeated or usual.
The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens.
It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

不知道我解释得详细吗?无论如何,希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

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