Investment in subsidiary

2009-04-08 6:34 pm
請問假設一間公司(A公司)以$100買左另一間公司(B公司),B公司的股份只是$1. 係A公司的帳中,那$1係Investment in Subsidiary, 咁請問那$99應入到哪個項目呢?

多謝兩位的回答! 請問可否詳細些答覆分別在A公司和B公司的帳中要如何book那$99.

回答 (3)

2009-04-12 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if A company is the parent company, for example, it hold 100% of B company's shares. Then that $99 is an goodwill if the total share capital and reserve of Company B only worth $1 when A doing the consolidated financial statement.
the detail u can find it in the iasplus website or search IAS 22, business combination.
2009-04-08 9:18 pm
你應該睇香港會計準則第27條,股份價值在於投資公司入面資產,而A公司於B公司嘅賬面價值要睇B公司資產值而唔係票面值。如果賬面值低於資產值就要做撥備(Impairment)。賬面值為A公司投入資金購入B公司股份(Carrying Value)。
2009-04-08 8:04 pm

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