is a movie a bad second date?

2009-04-08 7:58 am
I asked this girl I liked to a movie as a second date...was that a lame idea? she had plans but now im wondering if I suggested something better as a second date maybe we would have ended up hanging out? was a movie an okay suggestion for a second date?

回答 (11)

2009-04-08 8:02 am
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A movie is a great second date, it gives you something to talk about after to break any tension.. Maybe go out for dinner before or after the movie.. Have fun!
2009-04-08 3:02 pm
Well i think so.
Theres no communicating
and getting to know each other better.
You want to be doing so something where you's can talk
and get to know one another.
2009-04-08 3:02 pm
That depends, if you really didn't get to know each other all that well on the first date then I would suggest maybe doing something else because you can't really talk during the movie. I think the biggest thing here is getting to know more about each other first & being more comfortable with each other, so if you still don't even know her favorite color or something like that I would suggest doing something else to where you can both talk.
2009-04-08 3:02 pm
No! Movies are great! Make sure you buy her whatever she wants and lean over and whisper stuff about the movie to her.
Hot tubbing is always fun after movies :)
2009-04-08 3:02 pm
go to the mall and shop. or ur bedroom is a good second date
2009-04-08 5:06 pm
movie is always good, afterwards u guys can go dinner then hang out a bit longer together
2009-04-08 3:08 pm
Should be nothing wrong with a movie as long as you did not suggest some stupid movie.
2009-04-08 3:08 pm
Well...if she honestly already had plans...its possible that it doesnt matter what you offered...she would STILL be busy.

On that note, I like to keep movies for way after a relationship is established, for the simple fact that movies don't allow you time to talk and chit chat, which is important because your still trying to get to know eachother and decide if you want to spend more time with this person romantically or if it's more of a friendship.

Dinner is great, but can be a little awkward. I like going for walks in a park, or grabbing coffee. Something fun could be putt putt golf or bowling. Just make sure whatever you do, it's something that you can have fun with, you can be yourself, and make sure to keep the conversation going.

Number one thing a girl needs when first getting to know knowing that you listen. I don't care if you have to pick one thing and one thing only...make sure you remember it from that date...and bring it up the next time you see her. If she like Guns N her a GNR tee shirt...if she likes tigers buy her a stuffed tiger! Show a thoguhful gesture, to prove that you listen without expectations...and you cannot go wrong.
2009-04-08 3:03 pm
What did you do for the first date?

I don't think this is a bad date, but if she already had plans, maybe you should change it to make it something more active and involved for both of you (and I don't mean sex lol), instead of something passive like watching a movie. For a second date, my bf asked me out to go bowling and even though we both sucked at it, we had a great time and got to talk and get to know each other really well. But over all, as long as you offer to buy her candy and get some good conversation in before and after, then it's fine.

What movie you gonna see? :)
參考: ME <3
2009-04-08 3:02 pm
Yeah, I've had three dates with my girl and two of them were at the movies.

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