✔ 最佳答案
No matter living in a nice place high above the mountain,
or lying down somewhere in the valley with a shadow overhead,
you'll discover that
whenever you look up
the Lord has prepared (something great) for you and me already!
The sun above the clouds
never changes.
Though the little rain drops keep falling on my face,
the sun above the clouds never changes.
Ha! It never changes.
2009-04-08 11:31:15 補充:
(did my best to make them "complete sentences")
2009-04-08 11:40:02 補充:
an old song is titled "Raindrops keep falling on my head". to avoid "copying" this title i prefer "rain drops" and "face" (the original word is 臉)
2009-04-10 12:21:16 補充:
多謝幾位好朋友, 經常給我贊點 ^_^
又歡迎各位朋友任何「善意」意見交流 ^_^
並多謝各有「誠意」的朋友們的認同. 大家所有「善意」的意見和行動, 包括「言論」和評論自由, 都值得人尊重.
2009-04-30 12:42:36 補充:
回應 003 意見:
可能真的是有一位在 09年4月7日 才第一次上網開知識戶口的人, 偶然見到我的回答真的認為答得不好 (雖然那用戶沒有指出我【這一題】及其他 【大部份】的回答如何不好), 並認為發問者應該選無滿意解答呢 ^_^
那用戶可能真的並不是某位剛輸了給我的舊用戶, 可能並不是因為妒忌而產生鄙視的情緒, 所以, 請大家不要再 "誤會" 那位 "光明正大" 的 "君子" 了.