
2009-04-07 11:44 pm

我只有Form D2A 秘書及董事更改通知書 ? D1 D3 咩來呢 ? 我好似唔見有..

回答 (3)

2009-04-07 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes, a limited company has to report AR every calender year. if your company is a new company bought from an accounting firm, then you can provide the share transferred documents or return of allotment to show your ownership. Ask your accountant who helped you to set up company, they must know what documents to provide to the lawyer firm.
2009-04-08 9:28 pm
律師要你週年申報表AR1係要認證股東同董事,而一般樓宇買賣會由董事簽署,銀行亦要董事作個人擔保。你註冊公司已經有文件,所以你祇需要同律師講你間公司成立唔夠一年,並提供文件D1, D2 及 D3 就差唔多啦!
2009-04-08 8:39 am
每年公司須提交周年申報表 (AR) 述明公司,董事和秘書的資料 … 等
而首年創辦公司是沒有AR, 但可以用Form D2秘書及董事通知書代替
(於2008年7月後, 採用Form NC1( 法團成立表格 (股份有限公司) )

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