
2009-04-07 11:26 pm


回答 (8)

2009-04-08 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
"遺物" 二字, 字典的直接中譯是 "relic", 但這個解釋不足夠, 因為英文 relic 一字多用於某 "時代" 的遺留物, 如建築物遺址, 而中文的 "遺物" 二字還用於平常人死後留下的物件, 在此情況英文一般說 :
(something that) once belonged to xx (a person who is deseased).
e.g., This watch once belonged to my deceased father. 這枚手表是我父親的遺物
在這裡, 不能說手表是父親的 "relic"
另外, "遺產"用的是另一個字 "estate"
2009-04-08 12:59 am
係, 遺物的英文是Relics!!!
參考: me!!!
2009-04-08 12:41 am
參考: 遺物”英文
2009-04-08 12:17 am
the common term used by 遺產承辦處 is "estates"
2009-04-07 11:54 pm
You may consider 'intestate property'.
2009-04-07 11:38 pm
參考: 字典


Hope to help you!
2009-04-07 11:30 pm
>>things left behind by the deceased;
>>relics of the deceased;
>>a hangover
參考: yahoo字典

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