incentive 同 commission 的分別

2009-04-07 10:55 pm
What is the difference bewteen incentive and commission?
(請用英文, 有埋resource最好)
thanks a lot

回答 (1)

2009-04-08 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Commission is the money you will get om completing a sale. e.g. you are entitled to a commission of 5% on sales you made. this is a part of your basic emolument. So, if you achieved a sales figuare of $100, you will get a commission of $5.
Incentive is an additional reward to trigger you to go further or upward by putting more effort to achieve a higher level of sales. e.g. if you achieve a sales figuare of $200, an additional incentive bonus of 2% maybe on a progressive rates ( 2- 5 )% on the additional amount of sales will ne given to you. The amount you will receive for a sales figuare of $200 will be $200 x 5% + $100x 2% = $10 +$2=$12. So, the more marginal effort you put, the higher incentive income you will get on top of the normal commission.

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