what is the density of tea?

2009-04-07 9:15 pm
what is the density of tea?

回答 (3)

2009-04-08 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
I check the internet, the answer is 0.52 gm/cm3. But this means nothing you need to specify a particular brand of tea. There are thousand brands of tea, there are green, black and red tea. The density is not a good physical property for tea, rather the taste and the color are more important !
2009-04-09 5:16 am
It differs according to how much water you add to that cup of tea.
2009-04-07 9:48 pm



一杯相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果, 內含200多種營養素, 蛋白素相等於 5 錢燕窩、2 份蔬菜、1 份水果、1 塊牛扒同半杯鮮奶!


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