


1)大風起 小草把頭搖一搖

2)風停了 小草又挺直腰

3)大雨來 小草彎著背 讓雨澆

4)雨停了 小草抬起頭 站直腳

5)小草不怕風 不怕雨 立志要長高

6)小草 實在是 並不小


回答 (5)

2009-04-09 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
這次翻譯要加一點詩意, 我會想想是否譯得來, 如果我譯不來, 或會介紹另一位朋友給你解答, 請稍候 ..... ^_^

2009-04-08 19:45:25 補充:

Little Grasses

Mr. Windy is blowing heavily, and little grasses are swinging heads gently.

Mr. Windy stops, and again little grasses stand strong!

Then Mrs. Rainy comes down, and little grasses bend down.

They say oh please, pouring down on me.

As Mrs. Rainy is back home (that) she loves,

little grasses move heads up and get feet straight up,

fearing wind not, panicking rain not.

Be determined to grow up tall and strong.

Little grasses are actually not small at all.

I tried to rhyme but maybe that's not the way you like coz some words are not translated then.

小草 can be uncountable (no "s") but it seems that it's more interesting to portray 小草 as a large group of little children with different nationalities.

2009-04-08 19:48:40 補充:
回答或有不完美之處, 歡迎各位朋友任何善意意見交流 ^_^

2009-04-08 21:32:45 補充:
多謝幾位來自台灣的朋友, 經常給我贊點 ^_^

又歡迎各位朋友任何「善意」意見交流 ^_^

並多謝各有「誠意」的朋友們的認同. 大家所有「善意」的意見和行動, 包括「言論」和評論自由, 都值得尊重.

2009-04-09 17:34:20 補充:

可能那人是4月4日才開始使用知識+, 並不是鬼鬼祟祟的假戶. ^_^
2009-04-10 10:44 pm
致:anti_gangsta_ken@ymail.com ( 小學 5級 )


我好想知!你點樣答這題,會好得過KenSir? 唔好祇懂題題投人評價普


2009-04-10 14:55:46 補充:





我們才心服封筆! 否則!請做回些對自已有益或別人有建樹的事好過


2009-04-10 7:27 am
意見者: anti_hypocrisy@ymail.com

I have a few suggestion for you, you poor little boy.

1) Go cry a river

2) Leave Yahoo

3) Find yourself a good job if you can

2009-04-09 23:30:30 補充:
4) Chew on some garlic and get more new IDs

5) Try if you can be a Yahoo cop

Being jealous will only make you say" ngo ng zae ar >_<" more!

2009-04-09 23:33:43 補充:
Excuse me, 004.

I would like to use your sentences. ^_^

鬼鬼祟祟的,夠你假,夠膽就用主戶來發言和負評,做人應光明磊落多一點 ( for that cry baby)
2009-04-10 5:50 am
To anti_gansta_ken@ymail.com

"惡勢力威逼知識友互問互答" - Do you think we are in a triad society?????

How can one use 惡勢力 to 威逼知識友 in a cyber world?????

Stop being naive. You go nowhere with all these stupid acts, except burning yourself with your jealousy!
2009-04-09 10:02 pm
樓上的那位人兄(anti_hypocrisy@ymail.com ),罵人都不敢用主戶,鬼鬼祟祟的,夠你假,夠膽就用主戶來發言和負評,做人應光明磊落多一點

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