外國留學homestay 的一些問題

2009-04-07 10:50 am
如果你係住homestay 可以講一講你地ge經驗:

回答 (2)

2009-04-13 3:48 pm
1,, 雖然好多家庭都好好,, 但係呢個世界點都有d壞人既,, 有d family會好想你同佢地一齊生活,, 好聽佢地話,, 同埋如果同個family相處唔好既話咁就好唔方便

2,, 其實都冇咩要注意,, 但係如果你真係覺得個family對你唔好就要同agent/學校講,, 唔係就大家都唔開心

3,, 大部份都係友善既,, 咁當然有唔同既例子啦,, 其實佢地肯收一個唔識既學生響佢地屋企度住都好友善啦!

4,, 唔好家庭有唔同既制度,, 有d係好好包食既,, 咁你就跟住佢地食,, 可能有時出街食就要你自己俾錢,, 有d係俾少d錢,, 唔同個家庭食,, 住呢就通常一定要有一間房俾你,, 有床有table等等既basic野先可以做host,,

5,, 番工就記得要on campus,, off campus既工就即係黑工,, 如果俾人捉到就好大件事,, 番工都好,, 有d野做,, 又有d經驗,, 又識到朋友同可以練下英文,, 好過日日都同番班香港人一齊玩

6,, 通常都會,, 因為佢地係對你好似平時佢地見到既人咁,, 只要唔好太怕醜又或者唔好乜都唔講,, 你會識到好多朋友 :),, 你都會同你個host好friend嫁!
參考: 自己
2009-04-07 1:46 pm
Actually it really depends on what kind of host family you got.
I live with a couple host family before and some of them are nice some of them are not.
(1-3.) most of the host family are really nice and full of experiences, they usually will tell you about the family rules, the daily routine of them, how to eat, what you can do or can not do.
4. for eating, If you are in US, most of the family like to eat pasta, bread, all these american food. Also, sometimes it depends on what kind of host family you got, I got a friend that stay in an host family which are actually from India, so they ate curry for lunch and dinner all the time.
5. I am not sure what are you trying to ask, but if you are asking whether you can work or not, I will tell you that if you want to work, you need to deal with your school and agent, most of them dont allow international student work over there.
6. Of course!! they will. because for them you are from a totally different country, so they are all interested in how is your life in Hong Kong.
And you should share your experience in HK with them.

Plus, feel free to talk to ppl overthere when you need help, ppl are always willing to help, since you are new in that country.

PS. just a reminder, if you dont feel comfortable in the first week of staying over there. Ask for help or you felt like you can't stay such host family anymore, ask for change, people there are always willing to help.
Remember, dont be shy, always ask!!

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