Why'd this b^itch eat my pizza?

2009-04-07 4:30 am
It was around half 3 am and I was starving along with my sister. So I suggested we just pop a pizza in the oven. But she was all like "no mom would be mad because it would stink up the house" and she made it clear she wouldn't help me. So I decided to make it myself (for myself) because she's such a *****.
We were planning to watch a dvd too, I was providing the dvds and suggested a Japanese horror movie but she declined and said she wanted an English movie!
I told her to set the dvd up since I provided the movie but no, lazy cow don't want to do sh'it. So I said fine i'm going upstairs then.
20 mins later the pizza was done, looked really nice! not like that burn sh'it she usually makes.
I took a small slice and put the pizza away, and went upstairs.Then 5 minutes later, when I wanted to get some more, I went down stairs only to find she had eaten about 3/4 of the pizza and then she was like "Do you want it?" (very rudely) the remaining pieces where all nibbled arounf like some rat.

Why did she eat the pizza when she said she won't help or doesn't want it? She was very rude when I asked her to put the DVD in but she decided to eat my pizza when my bro (who was also there) ate his own food!

回答 (7)

2009-04-07 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
my sisters exactly the same!! shes just a lazy c++t who cant be botherd to lift her lazy *** up and go pop her wn in the ovan because.........it takes time so oh wait aminute ill go eat hers she wont care and yeah iknow it sucks!! but shes ovbiously selfish and couldnt care about your needs aslong as she gets what she wants!! and am sure you wouldnt of minded her haveing a peice of your pizza if she hadnt been so........ no dont/am not watching that or evan if she had asked you for a peice but abet what pi++ed u off the most is the fact after she ate it she was like do you wan it! as if it was ok she did nothing wrong!!
2009-04-07 2:58 pm
i'm wondering why you all seem to be so wide awake at three in the morning?? as for the pizza, take it all up with you next time, or tell her to get to bed
2009-04-07 11:38 am
Calm Down man....It's just pizza.
That was funny as hell though.
Maybe she didn't want to seem fat or greedy or something
I have no idea why she was rude though
2009-04-07 11:47 am
Maybe she was hungry. You should have taken more than one slice if you wanted more. If you were that hungry, you could have just made yourself another pizza and not walked away when it's done.
2009-04-07 11:46 am
Let it go. There is a first time for everything. Next time, you're wiser.
2009-04-07 11:39 am
That is rude (she sounds like a *****). Get her back, I know its not the appropriate response but definitely what I would do.
2009-04-07 11:36 am
calm down, it angering but u have to chill because u will see that it is not a world endign probelm. relax and talk to ur sister about not eating ur pizza

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