What do you do when you're still in love with your ex, and just had sex with him, but he has a girlfriend?

2009-04-07 3:46 am
My ex and I broke up a couple months ago, then he got back with his other ex. He called me last weekend and I stayed the night with him and we ended up having sex...yes, he cheated on her. I told her about it but she doesn't believe me. Now I just feel miserable and want him back but there's no way I can get her to believe me. So how do you deal when you're still in love with your ex and just had sex with him, but he's afraid to break up with his girlfriend (she's really close to her family and he doesn't want to make them hate him)?

回答 (52)

2009-04-07 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
If he cheated on her, what makes you believe he wouldn't cheat on you also? Save yourself the heartache and find someone actually worth your time.

Best Wishes to you.
2009-04-07 4:08 am
Seeing a councellor or talk to a good friend or family memeber would help.
I have read your story, I believe u are looking for a lovely guy. But he is not... this guy is bad-guy, or traitor in a relationship. How bad can u get. Even u have him again, that doesn't mean he will not be with other girl behind you. You should have withdraw/ not involved in this relationship long time.
2009-04-07 4:06 am
Well It depends partly on how you two broke up in the first place. I mean did you both just drift apart or decided that things weren't working out or did he break your heart? Did he screw you arround the same way he's doing with his current partner. I'm only wondering becuase you've got to be careful with the kind of man who cheats on his girlfriend and then is too much of a coward to take responability. But then I don't know him so..

In any case it's good that you're being honest with this other girl but she's obviously reluctant to believe that the man she cares about would hurt her. I beleive it would be best for him to tell her. The Important thing is that you don't feel guilty about it. If your ex is the man you deserve, he will do the right thing and tell this other girl sensatively that he is still in love with you (assuming he feels the same way about you right?) and does it like a man. Then at least he can't be accused of acting like a jerk... if not well... Do you really want to be with someone who keeps their head in the sand? If he loves you he will make the effort to be with you. otherwise you may just have to consider being with someone worthy of your affections. I hope this helps you. take care.
2009-04-07 4:02 am
hmmm....musical ex's. i doubt you should have told your ex's current girlfriend that you slept with him. that can piss people off, distort a situation and cause unnecessary pain. if you're playing "low-ball" and trying to sabotage your ex-boyfriend's current relationship, that isn't very nice.

next, does your ex want you back? the fact you had sex with him isn't a definitive sign one way or the other. ask him? if he says yes, it's up to him to settle matters with his current relationship - ie., let her go. and why should he give a flying "F" what her parents think? the chick in question was already an ex once...
2009-04-07 4:01 am
I think you should realize that he might not leave her, And that you should find somebody else thats gone make you happy and not miserable cause at the end you will be the one thats hurt in a long run so just pray and ask God what you should do . Ask God to show you a sign if you need to be wit him or not cause troubles dont last all wasy but Joy comes in the mornin
2009-04-07 4:01 am
1st of all I don't even think this dude likes U at all I don't even think he likes himself. I think his just a cheating, scary bastard that likes to play with peoples feeling. What I would do is when he calls U again hopefully U can spend the night again with him but this time just call one of his girl friends family member or maybe his girl so that they can catch him with U and that will B the end of that cheating bastard. But don't even feel sorry 4 this person U deserve better.
2009-04-07 3:58 am
Be realistic, if he is not with you it's because He don't love you, get a life, Let him go, don't beg for love, and by the way it's not right to go lay with a man that has a girlfriend, remember that wherever you do to others that will came back to you in the future.
2009-04-07 3:53 am
You leave him well alone and forget it. You should value yourself more, this guy has got back with his ex really quickly after splitting up with you and is obviously prepared to cheat on his partner.

Do you really want a guy like that for yourself? What's to say even if you did win him back that he's not running off to the other girl for sex?

Never have sex with him again and move on sweetie, you'll be bashing your head against a brick wall with this guy.
參考: Life!
2009-04-07 3:53 am
Hun, it sounds like an excuse why he won't leave her and he's obviously telling her you're lying about what happened cause i'm pretty sure he was confronted by her. I hate to say it but you were used. Now he knows he can have you without being with you so there's no point in getting back with you. You're in a mess, especially cause you still love him. My bestfriend was going thru the same exact thing. And i told her to leave him alone and when she finally had enough of his shxt, she did. And now she's happier with her new significant other and he's nobody to her. Don't let him use you anymore, don't let him treat you like a whore. Be strong and get over him. It's you're best bet.
2009-04-07 3:52 am
I hate to say this but....You played yourself

The current girlfriend will never believe another woman when she tells her that her man is cheating. I've been in a similar situation and the girls never believed me. Their funeral.

I'd leave the guy alone. If he's not willing to be with you, he probably never will. The "other woman" hardly ever gets upgraded to girlfriend status. Why would he call you over and you both know he was with someone. He set you up and used you. You should be with someone who respects you and wants to be with you.
參考: Experience....learned the hard way
2009-04-07 3:52 am
Yeah.... ummm... You should have been the better person and declined his advance for sex, but I guess we all make mistakes. He broke up with you and got back with her, now you want him to break up with her to get back with you. What do you think he will do to you in the future...? Probably the same thing. If she does not believe you, then let it go, maybe they have a chance to be happy together if he does not cheat on her anymore. There are plenty of good guys out there.

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