How do I tell my girlfriend that I like her sister?

2009-04-07 3:26 am
I wanna dump her for her sister. She's hot! I saw her naked last week and I can't get her out of mind. Should I dump my girlfriend for her sister or should I cheat on her? If you saw her you would understand.

I doubt they'll go for a threesome. I'm so confused, I need some help friends.

回答 (45)

2009-04-07 3:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Turn off the lights and make sure they don't know it's each other that way they'll have a 3-some and won't know about it.

It's brilliant.
2009-04-07 3:30 am
You perv don't dump your gf for her sister talk about major meltdown drama! How dare you even think of cheating on her! They're both too good for you, get a life.
2009-04-07 3:32 am
alright dude, come on. you know what you should do and we shouldn't have to tell you. don't be so shallow that you will dump a girl for another girl because you saw her naked and liked it. they wont have a threesome either.
2009-04-07 3:31 am
You should hit the road Jack! You would be putting the sisters in a very awkward situation. Not worth it. And if the other sister goes for it, she's a low life. And you would be a slug.
2009-04-07 3:33 am
no that is really big mistake,you should never cheat and you should never go out with an ex girlfriends (or girlfriend) sister, friends, or anything related to that.

you really need to learn how to treat a girl.
2009-04-07 3:37 am
Then y do u go with your gf, isn't her personality or body already attracted to you in the first place. Listen to your heart and brain. Not eyes. A hot body doesn't mean anything. There is always another girls who have a better than these two sisters. So my recommendation is stay with your gf and be a responsible person. Her sister will find some1 she like or care in the future.
2009-04-07 3:36 am
Stop right there!
Too much drama! She'll hate you and if your girlfriend and her sister are close they will BOTH hate you. If you only want to date her sister because you saw her nude, you are only in it for sex. Don't KNOW that's why. Find out if she likes you first, if so, then dump your girlfriend and ruin her sibling bond, cause family long as it will make you happy. Are you really selfish enought to do that? I hope not. Might as well ask your girlfriend if she will push for a threesome.
2009-04-07 3:35 am
I highly doubt her sister would go out with you after you dumped her like that. She would feel like you'd do the same thing to her one day. I think you should focus more on a girl's personality instead of just looks.
2009-04-07 3:34 am
ok first of all it would help knowing why you went out with your gf in first place if you like her sister first don't cheat its wrong and you will lose them both i say you can talk to your gf and tell her that you don't think the relation ship is going anywhere and wait a month or two before asking her sister trust me my sis would be pissed and you don't want to break up the sisters or else they both gang on you in the end and you left with nothing so break up with the gf if you can do it and wait a little while before asking her sis
參考: personal life
2009-04-07 3:32 am
buddy i think you need to just either stick with the girl you are with now or dump her, but NOT for her sister. stay true to one girl, girls only like players for a certain amount of time, because sooner or later they will dump you for the dependent man.
2009-04-07 3:31 am
"i like you're sister"

there done. of course, i doubt you'll get with her sis...and then you'd be without a gf too.

if her sis digs you you can take a chance but i doubt it.

plus youre probably just lettinghormones get the best of you, wait for them to pass.

or you arent serious about any relationship and you just want a$$. in that case i cant do much for ya man.

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