How do I deal with my sister?

2009-04-07 2:49 am
My little boy and I recently moved back with my parents because I'm currently separated from my spouse. My 26 year old younger sister still lives at home without a job and does nothing except surf the internet and watch tv and eat and sleep all day, and doesn't contribute to the household or to society. She is also cold, negative and bitter person with anger problems and she admits she loves to depend on my parents. She told my mom she doesn't want me living at home and to not use her computer (which my mom paid for) and she also hid the remote control so we couldn't watch tv on my dad's big screen tv.
She hates me because I asked for her help to come with me to get my grandparents groceries and she got offended with that.
My sister told my mom that if I try to use her computer that she'll destroy it. I need the computer so I can look for a job and communicate with my spouse because it's inconvienient for me to go to the library all the time just to use the public computer.
Also, when I try to communicate with my mom, she tries to be in my way and try to get my mom's attention so she can feel important. My mom talks to my sister like she did nothing wrong because she doesn't want to irritate her and make her mad.
How do I deal with my negative sister?

For me, I do my best contributing to the household and try to help out alot cause I don't like feeling like a freeloader until I get a job. I cook and clean and massage my mom when she gets home from work and take care of my son. I'm already suffering a lot of stress during my separation cuz my spouse doesn't love me anymore and on top of that, I have to deal with my sisters negative mannerism.

回答 (8)

2009-04-07 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like you sister needs a serious reality check done, as well as an attitude adjustment..
2009-04-07 2:59 am
Sounds like your parents are to blame for your sister's awful and immature behaviour. Be the "better man" and ignore her completely.
And why would you need to look anything up on a computer for your ??? spouse that you are separated from. Do not become a doormat for him too. You are already your sister's doormat. And stop overdoing for all of them, I know that you are just "helping out", but you will become the live in maid, if you're not careful. I have gone through that myself and you will become resentful. Make the best of a bad what you need to do for you and no one else. Get your life on track and move out asap.
2009-04-07 3:19 am
Your sister has serious problems getting along w/others. She is acting like a 12 yr. old, but is getting away w/it! This is the sad part of it all. Your mother is NOT doing a thing to help improve your sister's personality problems or which she sure has many. If you can, try to get your mom alone sometime & tell her allll that's going on w/her. She definately is NOT living the life of a "normal" 26 yr. old. She badly needs a reality adjustment. She also has issues w/anger. I honestly feel she is unhappy w/herself, & is just taking it out on others. This is called "displaced anger". She could use some serious help. Your mother in all honesty is just feeding into her issues very badly, which is NOT helping her one bit. She needs an attitude adjustment, that's for sure. There is NO reason for your mother to be walking on egg shells in her own home because of a lazy good for nothing spoiled daughter. Let your mother know she is not helping her one bit, but instead is just feeding her anger & misbehavioral issues. Someone has to talk to her seriously & stop her from some of these things she's being allowed to do. If I was you dad, I'd take the control of MY TV, & not let anyone touch it unless they got his permission to do so. A LOT of your sister's problems are stemming directly from your parents. What they really should do is put her out on her own & let her see/feel how the rest of the real world lives. Someone has to start to take control of things. There is NO reason whatsoever for a child to control their parents. She is a very controlling person which badly needs to be straightened out. Why don't the three of you ban together & all of you work together. With the three of you, it certainly give you more power, which in turn would honestly be doing the BEST for her as apposed to giving in which is only hurting her, & in turn ALL of you. This is NOT fair that one person has complete control over three adults...Something is badly wrong w/this whole situation. It CAN be dealt with, but you've all got to stick together & not waiver at any of her balking. You ALL are accepting unacceptable behavior!!! She needs to be controlled! Best to you all...:)
2009-04-07 3:13 am
alright let try to look at this
I guess ur sister do know that she is a freeloader. Most likely she has a problem, a negative feeling, laziness, pain, whatever, and no matter what i bet she feel bitter about it. Like u said she is cold and upset so her life is probably lost and confused, perhaps she don't want to see u come back adn see her in that state. its like reading her diary, u found out and have to deal with ur sister's secret. When you came back and tried to help out around, she kinda of see how useless she is compared to u and feel like u are trying to win ur parent attention and love, u know, kinda of like sibling fighting to be the parents' favorite.
You can try to communiate with her but most likely get her really pissed off at u. also it is not a good idea to try to make her see how selfish she is because she will really also get pissed off hearing that from u so get a third person to convince her. Or the best way i see is find a place of ur own when u and ur child and live however u like.
2009-04-07 3:12 am
If I were having a similar problem with a brother of mine, I'd say he REEEALY needs to get his @$$ whipped. Sounds like your little sister needs to be taken down a few pegs. But barring that...

My advice is to stay as far away from her as you can, considering you live in the same place. Ask your parents if they can help you buy a cheap laptop or even a desktop. You can get an Acer Netbook for $300. If all you need to do is surf the net for a job and check email, it'll be powerful enough for that. That way you can find a job and move out as quickly as possible.

She's being terribly selfish. And to be acting like that at her age, she's headed for MAJOR trouble, maybe violent trouble. You are both grown, so it is no longer your responsibility to be the "big sister." And once you have a job, don't be too picky about where you live. You need to get your child away from your psycho sister as soon as possible. Children learn behaviors from the adults around them. So unless you want your child to start acting like your sister, get your boy out of that house, and soon!

Oh, and one more thing: if she says she's going to destroy her own computer if you use it, CALL HER BLUFF. She's not letting you use it now, so you have nothing to lose. Your sister is making a colossal error if she's trying to bluff someone with nothing to lose. Let her destroy her own computer. Then get your own laptop as soon as you can, and take it with you whenever you leave the house.
2009-04-07 3:04 am
you mom did a terrible job of raising your sister, at her age i had 3 kids a husband and ran my own household, plus outside activities like sports etc. she is a big nothing. even at 16 i was more productive than her, so were my kids. this is so messed up, give her some military brochures and tell her to join the military. as for yourself don't slowly become like her, get counseling for your marriage, go to a bible based church.
2009-04-07 2:59 am
Your sister is selfish, self centered and a free loader. Unfortunately, your mother and father don't seem to have a problem with it. Until they do there is not much you can do. Your sister sees you as competition for their time, their money and the space you occupy in the house. I would look for another place to live, even if it meant going on public assistance to do it. Your sisters attitude is detrimental to your state of well being and I fear for your son. Try talking to your parents. It could be that they are tired of your sister, but are scared to do anything because she gets angry. Have a talk and see if you can help them as well as yourself.
2009-04-07 2:57 am
Ask her why she hates you. If she cannot give an acceptable answer, take charge and act like the big sister.

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