Is it not normal to be a virgin at 29, and is there any girl at around this age?

2009-04-06 2:34 pm
I always think that love is more important than sex, and should find the right one before having it. Nevertheless, it is very hard to find someone who share the same value and is the first time. Is it not normal to be virgin and continue to look for it.

Thank you for helping

回答 (10)

2009-04-06 2:47 pm
well there is nothing WRONG with that in fact good for you, but im just going to tell you this some women already have more than 3 kids b4 they hit that age,sorry
2009-04-06 2:39 pm
I've never heard of a 29 year old virgin, but there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure you'll find someone who shares the same values.
2009-04-06 2:38 pm
my mom had me at 32.
2009-04-06 2:40 pm
Fat and ugly girls stay a virgin till they die
2009-04-07 5:54 am
Truthfully, I am a virgin well into my 30s and have wondered the same thing. Can a person be a virgin at that age and be normal? Yes. Is it typical for a person to be that old and still be a virgin? No, it doesn't fit the norm. I have done research on this and have found that only 4% of adults remain virgins past the age of 25.
2009-04-06 2:53 pm
You wait until its the right time. For me that was 17, for my partner it was 22, for my best friend 15, for my mother 24. Its what works for you that matters. Don't be rushed, but then again don't hold out for the impossible. If you find someone to love don't be put off simply because they haven't managed to keep themselves just for you. My partner and I are the same age but I lost my virginity 5 years before he did. If he had refused to be with me because I had slept with someone else years before then we would not be in a blissfully happy and long-lasting relationship now
Hey there are even reports that not doing it helps you live longer :-)
2009-04-06 2:46 pm
It's not normal in the context of what everyone else has done, because by 29 most people have had sex. However, it does not make you a freak or a weirdo, its just how you have chosen to live your life and people should respect you for that. You will find a girl who appreciates you for who you really are, and the sex will not be a big issue =]
2009-04-06 2:45 pm
of course it is normal and very respectful.
2009-04-06 2:39 pm
honestly i see nothing wrong with are waiting your life for that one person that will truly make you happy, i congratulate you for keeping it in your pants....i say stay the course you are going and wait for what you are looking for
參考: i am my own source
2009-04-06 3:09 pm
Their are virgins out their,it doesn't matter what you look like (skinny,fat ,short or tall)....What allot of people regret but are afraid to admit is that they didn't wait for that true love.The GIFT of giving yourself to someone is one of the most precious gifts you can give,sex is sex when you truly find that special someone and get married you discover each other creates a bond that cannot be broken it becomes secrete.I don"t know your religion but you should pray for GOD to bring someone special in your life even if this person has made the mistake of giving their self away early,people make mistakes.DO NOT loose sight of your values though be true to yourself.You will find happiness and that someone special. GOD BLESS..

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