Depreciation Account 一問(急急急)

2009-04-07 7:45 am
問題: Motor Van Disposal Account 我唔明點解全部計Depreciation的答案中都係除以3, 例如: Motor Van A 2008年1 JULY買到2011年30 JUNE要計Motor Van Disposal Account就要除以3為答案。而Motor Van B 2009年1 JULY買到2011年30 JUNE要計Motor Van Disposal Account都係除以3為答案?????題目如下(如有需要, 可以提供答案)
請以中文詳述之。 THANKS

Penguin and Albatross operate a stationery business, and deliver the majority of their sales to their customers. It is the policy of the company to change vehicles every three years due to high mileage. At 1 July 2010, the following information is available from the ledger :


(1) Motor Van A was purchased on 1 July 2008 at a cost of $ 24,000 (2) Motor Van B was purchased on 1 July 2009 at a cost of $ 30,000 (3) Motor Van C was purchased on 1 July 2010 at a cost of $ 36,000


The company uses the straight line method of deprciation , and there is no allowance for any residual value. A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of purchase and none in the year of sale.


During the year to 30 June 2011, the following also occurred : (4) Motor Van A was traded in for $ 15,000 , against Motor Van D, which cost $ 42,000. The balance was paid by cheque at the date of purchase.


(5)Motor Van C was involved in an accident and was written off. The insurance company paid $ 24,000 in compensation. (6) Motor Van C was replaced with Motor Van E, which cost $ 48,000, and this was settled by cheque, at the date of purchase.


Prepare the following accounts for the year ended 30 June 2011 : (a) Motor Van Disposal Account

回答 (1)

2009-04-07 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好簡單─It is the policy of the company to change vehicles every three years due to high mileage. 即係每架車使用年期為3年,咁折舊係將使用成本攤銷,所以咪除三囉!

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