
2009-04-07 2:08 am
佢SIN SIN下就會停.
但係friction同我用果下力. 同action&reaction有無關係呢?

回答 (3)

2009-04-07 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Friction and the force you have given to the pile of books are NOT action and reaction pair.
Frictional force only opposes the action force that you give to push the books. If your pushing force is high enough, such that it is larger that the maximum frictional force (limiting friction), the books will move.
The reaction force of your pushing is the one acting on your hand, that's why you feel a "resistance" on pushing the books.
The reaction force of friction acts on the surface where the pile of books are placed.
2009-04-07 7:29 am
The Book Stopeed After You Push It,,

It Was Because It Have Friction Between The Table And The Book~

The Action And Reaction Can Produce,,

It Is Because The Force(Action) Meet The Fixed Substance(Wall),,

Than It Have The Potential Energy,,

Than All The Force(Reaction) Will Be Produce

Action = Reaction,,

It Is Talking About The Force Of Substance,,

Not The Reaction Block The Action~

In Newton's Second Law :



You Can See Than If Action(F) And ma Produce Simultaneously,,

It Can Be O(No Change)
2009-04-07 3:01 am
Friction is proportional to the normal reaction force ,

in this case the normal reaction force is weight of the book ,

Let W be the weight of the book , and

Friction ( f ) = μW , μis a constant , we call that force constant

the value of the force constant is big if the touching face is rough ,

if not than small

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