
2009-04-06 5:16 pm
完成式的have或has為什麼不用變had????例如:I have closed the windows

回答 (3)

2009-04-06 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
have closed 是現在完成式, 即表示剛剛做完既動作, 所以have不用轉做過去式.
2009-04-06 7:08 pm
你好,你所给的例子是在用着Present Perfect Tense。

其实我早已经在之前的其中一个网友的问题里答过有关Present Perfect Tense了。

它是用在我们讲述着一个我们不知道时间而又是现在之前发生的过去动作(an action happened at an unspecified time before now)。

简单来说,当你想跟某个人讲述你过去不久的事情或动作时,你就可以用Present Perfect Tense去说了。


Unspecified Time Before Now:-
1) I have been to Malaysia.
2) I have been to Malaysia three times.
3) I have never been to Malaysia.

Time Expressions with Present Perfect:-
4) I have watched that movie twice in the last month.
5) I haven't seen Alex for two days.
6) I haven't finished my homework yet.

Duration From The Past Until Now:-
7) I have had a cold for two weeks.
8) She has been in Malaysia for three months.
9) I haven't seen Alex since Monday. (= from Monday until now)
10) They've known each other since they were at school.

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-04-06 5:31 pm
如果用had+pp,就是過去完成式,(for example: 昨天完成)

(for example: 剛完成)
參考: mE

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