France people

2009-04-06 1:46 am
what do the poor France people eat in 17th - 18th century?
please plase help.

回答 (2)

2009-04-06 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
They eat bread with their soup.

Expenditure on bread and flour absorbed easily half a poor or humble family;s income. An adult consumed three pounds of bread a day, or more. Bread was cheapest source of calories. Stale bread was always consumed. Hard bread was much better for pouring soup on to.

In most places, soup was the main food for the French. They put whatever they could find in the soup. Herbs, root vegetables from the garden or the open fileds, plenty of radishes(小蘿蔔), carrots(胡蘿蔔), turnips(大頭菜), and sometimes a leek(韭蔥) or two.

When the soup was ready, everybody brought their wooden bowls to the hearth(壁爐), or to the table if there was one, and the father or mother cut the bread into pieces and then poured over an amount of broth(湯) appropriate to everybody;s age and needs. After the soup the peasants did not usually have anything.

參考: , self :)
2009-04-06 9:59 am


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