
2009-04-05 11:12 pm
A lot of Nepal peoples was through my workplace, They was sometime bought rice, One day I wanted to speak English asked Nepal people, ((When did you ate a meal before?)).But I didn't knew how speak? My brain change a blank place. At this time, I wanted to cry. Other day I heard my colleague spoke simple English. At this time, I asked me? Why I didn't to speak. I was very upset and I asked me again whether I am now read English course?????


回答 (5)

2009-04-06 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are a lot of Nepalis (no need to use “peoples” because you already used Nepalis. Moreover for people we do not need to add an “s” unless you are talking about different races of people) pass through my workplace and they (no “was” because we are using present tense) sometime buy food (changed from rice to food because I believe you do not mean they only buy rice from you) from our place. One day I wanted to ask them in English: When did you have your last meal? But I didn't know (after the verb “did” we do not need to change the tense) how to say it (we can always speak, but to “say it” is different. Moreover you should not use a “?” here. Just a full stop is okay). My brain went blank. At that (you are talking something happened during “that” time, so change from “this” to “that”) time, I wanted to cry. Then another day I heard my colleague spoke in simple English. And I asked myself, why I didn't know how to say it. I was very upset. I am asking myself again on whether or not I am studying English course now! (Again, this is not really a question, so no need to use “?”)


1. Nepalese is another name to call the people from Nepal , same as Nepalis. However the official name from the Nepal tourism is Nepalis.
2. Since you talked about many Nepalis passing through the place you work sometimes, so please use present tense on the first part of your passage.

參考: Myself
2009-04-12 11:45 pm
對不起..我沒有留心就選了候選編號...我覺得對 (小麻→、〝) 這位好人 unfair...unfair...不公平,,,不公平,,我在這裏鄭重的道歉..I am so sorry..I am so soryy...我下次會好小心好小心選出候選人,真的很對不起

2009-04-12 15:54:46 補充:
還有一樣東西沒說..很多謝很多謝其他人贊助點數,使更多人參與, thank you so much other people,,,我還想問一個問題,附分還可以問下去嗎 ?如果其他人看到請給解答,,謝謝..Thank you so much other people again...886
2009-04-09 9:32 am
A lot of Nepal peoples was through my workplace. [錯]
There are a lot of Nepali passing through my workplace.[對]

尼泊爾人 - Nepalis , 死記

「....有.....」--- There is/are - 這個也要死記

例: 桌上有一枝鉛筆
There is a pencil on the table.

There are many books in the library.

pass through - 經過

當我們用 There is/are... 這個句式, 後面的動作會是 - ing form


They was sometime bought rice[錯]
They sometimes come and buy lunch[對]

was 是多餘的,

「sometime」 - 在(將來或過去)某一時候

例 : I met him sometime last month.

「sometimes」 - 有時
例 : They sometimes come and buy rice.


‧買飯 --- 不是單單只 rice - 米飯,
而是只買餐, 買食物, 「用lunch - 午餐代替」

[第三] One day, I wanted to ask the Nepali when they had their last meal.


直述: 我想跟尼泊爾人說:「你何時吃過飯呢?」
覆述: 我想問尼泊爾人他們何時吃過飯。

寫文章時會用覆述句 ----- 所以可以直接說

I wanted to ask the Nepali when they had their last meal.


But I didnt knew how speak -- 錯

but I didnt know how to say it --- 對


「speak」--- 講話


你不懂怎樣說那句話----- 用say

如果你說 I didnt know how to speak 即你不懂講話, 別人可能以為你是啞的!

didnt 後面的動詞還原 --- know

[第五] My brain went blank. (腦袋變了一片空白)


「在這個時候, 我很想哭 」 -- 錯, 因為事情已經過去

應該用 「當時, 我很想哭 」- At that time, I wanted to cry.


Other day - 另外一天
the next day - 第二天

The next day, I heard my colleague spoke simple English.


At this time, I asked me? Why I didnt to speak. I was very upset (錯)

I was very upset at that moment. I asked myself why I didnt speak.(對)

不用次次用at this time, at that time,

可轉一轉用在「那一刻--- at that moment」

I asked myself --- 我問自己

dont/ didnt 後不用加 to

你不說 I dont to know 嘛!!! 你會說 I dont know!


最尾這句 ---- 「我再問自己,我現在是不是讀英語課程?」
可刪除, 有點詞不達意...

整段; There are a lot of Nepali passing through my workplace. They sometimes come and buy lunch. One day, I wanted to ask the Nepali when they had their last meal but I didnt know how to say it. My brain went blank. The next day, I heard my colleague spoke simple English. I was very upset at that moment. I asked myself why I didnt speak.

2009-04-09 09:17:39 補充:
Sorry 啊, Nepali加s才對! ◎___◎!!!!
參考: ^^
2009-04-06 10:03 am

2009-04-06 6:27 am
There are a lot of Nepalese passing by the place I work, sometimes, they buy luch boxes from me.
One day, I wanted to ask a Napalese when has he had his last meal in English, but I didn't know how. In that moment, nothing came to my mind, making me want to cry. Another day, I heard my colleague saying some simple English. At that time, I asked myself, "Why couldn't I do the same?" I was so upset and asked myself again, "Am I having an English course?"

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