what is AgNO3? acid, base, salt...?

2009-04-05 3:47 am
you know those general word equations - acid + base --> salt + water etc...

well, what is AgNO3? is it an acid, base, salt, metal oxide, reactive metal..?

回答 (6)

2009-04-05 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
A salt i presume
2009-04-05 4:31 am
AgNO3 is a salt. However you can determine if it is an acidic, basic or neutral salt.

1)Break up the equation. So it becomes Ag and NO3.
2)Give the metal OH. Making it AgOH (becomes a base)
3)Give the non metal H. Making it HNO3 (becomes an acid)

Now from this. It is either one of these formulas:
Strong acid+weak base --> acidic salt
Weak acid +strong base --> basic salt
Strong acid +Strong Base --> neutral salt

HNO3 is a strong acid and AgOH is a weak base.
Therefore AgNO3 is a acidic salt.
2016-12-15 1:10 am
Agno3 Acid Or Base
2016-10-29 6:51 am
What Is Agno3
2015-08-17 10:31 am
This Site Might Help You.

what is AgNO3? acid, base, salt...?
you know those general word equations - acid + base --> salt + water etc...

well, what is AgNO3? is it an acid, base, salt, metal oxide, reactive metal..?
參考: agno3 acid base salt: https://shortly.im/GTXxa
2009-04-05 4:09 am
Silver nitrate is a salt.

I don't know what acid and base would react to produce silver nitrate and water ... but I hope I answered your queston. Good luck.
2009-04-05 3:54 am
Silver nitrate, a salt

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