fleming's right hand rule.PHY

2009-04-05 12:27 am
有關fleming's right hand rule
同 lenz's law

1.用fleming's right hand rule
係咪要有 「NET」force?
定係 uniform velocity?

2.用lenz's law
係咪要有 magnetic feild CAHNGE?

3.a retangular coil is leaving a magnetic field which point into the paper
to the right
要點揾番個 current 同
magnetic force既direction?

其實係睇完CE PHY 08 MC NO.40有點唔明 THX...

回答 (2)

2009-04-05 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Whenever there is motion (of a conductor) in a magnetic field, you can apply Fleming's Right Hand Rule, disregad there is acceleration or not.
2. Lenz's Law relates the change of magnetic flux with the direction of induced current.
3. If the coil is clearing from the magnetic field, you could either:
(i) use Fleming's right hand rule - the side of the coil which is still moving in the magnetic field is travelling towards the right, with the magnetic field lines pointing into the paper. Hence, the direction of induced current along this side of the coil is upward. Thus, current flows clockwise along the coil.
(ii) use Lenz's Law - the mangetic flux inside the coil is reducing, the induced current must flow in such a direction so as to increase the magnetic flux. That is, the magnetic flux arising from induced current is expected to be pointing downward, in the same direction of the decreasing field. Thus simply applying the "right hand screw-rule" to the coil would determine the direction of current flow, which is clockwise.
2009-04-05 12:28 am

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