
2009-04-04 10:55 pm
請問英文句子中,一句裏面是否使用相同的語法?(例如一句中所有動詞均使用present perfect,或者另一句中都有也是使用present continue?)

回答 (2)

2009-04-04 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have finished my homework before I call Tom or before my mother comes home.
My mother comes home after I have finished my homework.
( Here we have present perfect tense and simple present tense)
I am doing my homework when my mother comes home. (Here we have present continuous tense and simple present tense)
Perfect tense - to describe an action is done before another action starts.
Hope it is clear to you

2009-04-04 11:28 pm

例︰While I am doing my homework, my sister is playing the computer.
參考: ME

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