The uterus is retroverted.It is normal in size and echogenicity.No gestational sac, fetal pole or fetal pulsation is seen inside the uterine cavity to suggest intrauterine pregnancy.
No focal mass lesion or abnormal echogenicity is seen in the uterine parenchyma.The endometrial echo is normal in thickness.
Both ovaries are unremarkable with normal follicles seen. No adnexal mass leision is seen.However, very early ectopic pregenancy could not be totally excluded by ultrasound study. Suggest correlation with clinical findings and book follow up ultrasound pelvis for serial change if neccessary.
No fluid is seen in the pouch of Douglas. The urinary bladder is normal in outline with no intravesical lesion seen.
1. No sonographic evidence of intrauterine pregnancy.
2. No definite sonographic abnormality is detected.
3. However, vert early ectopic pregnancy could not be totally excluded by ultrasound study.Suggest correlation with clinical findings and book follow up ultrasound pelvis for serial change if neccessary.