
2009-04-04 10:04 pm

Why do you want to do this job?

Can you tell me something about yourself?
我剛剛畢業於香港公開大學(The Open University of Hong Kong)的毅進計畫(Project Yi Jin ),現時在修讀夜間的英文課程。

How did you learn about this post?

What do you think we expect of this post?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Do you any questions?


What do you think we expect of this post? 係唔係要答:我認為這工作應要有責任心得(responsible)同良好的溝通能力(communicate) 會唔會好啲?

回答 (3)

2009-04-04 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Why do you want to do this job?
It is because I can be in contact people from all walks of life.

Can you tell me something about yourself?
我剛剛畢業於香港公開大學(The Open University of Hong Kong)的毅進計畫(Project Yi Jin ),現時在修讀夜間的英文課程。
I have just finished the Project Yi Jin at the Open Unisiversity of HK and am studying English course in the evening.

How did you learn about this post?
This post is to introduce the culture of Hong KOng to tourists and visitors in English . I trust that I can handle this post thoroughly

What do you think we expect of this post?
The question asks you what the employer expect from this post not you so your answer is irrelevant.

I trust that I can learn lots of skill in the post. (direct translation from your answer

What are your strengths?
I am honest and do everything at the best I can.

What are your weaknesses?
My weakness is slightly stubborn and too idealistic.

Do you any questions?
No, but thank you for granting me this interview

The best is to use simply English. Hope you can help.
2009-04-07 5:30 am
my name is raymond li
我有一個 賺錢 website請 click 入去看www.sai8000.ws
2009-04-04 10:16 pm
Since this job can contact people in different places.

I have just graduated from the Open University of Hong Kong (The Open University of Hong Kong) Springboard program (Project Yi Jin), the present study at night at the English curriculum.

This post was to be fluent in English is to understand Hong Kong's culture and background, I believe in me now is the standard of English competence.

In my opinion this post I learned how to be able to allow a number of different skills.

More seriously, I am a man, are all committed to do everything.
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