
2009-04-04 7:43 pm
Anybody could use "shadow" "shallow"and "shuttle" made a sentence please.thank you....
還有怎樣 translation this sentence (原來我的同學的名字叫 ( shadow ))

回答 (3)

2009-04-05 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
不知你是想每個字作一句子, 或是把三個字放在同一句子內, 只好兩者都嘗試:
The silly cat was getting mad because it could not catch its own shadow ( 那隻傻貓怎樣也捉不到自己的影子, 發起狂來)
Don't put too many potatoes in the dish, for it is too shallow ( 碟子太淺了, 不要放上太多薯仔)
The traffic accident involved a shuttle, a truck and a taxi ( 交通意外涉及一部巴士、一部貨車及一架的士)
To take shelter from the scorching sun, the shuttle tried to stop under the shadow of a tree when it accidentally ran into a shallow pond ( 那巴士想停在樹陰底下以避開灼熱的陽光, 卻意外地掉進淺池中)

原來我同學的名字叫 Shadow:
It came to my knowledge that my classmate's name is Shadow, OR,
In fact my classmate's name is Shadow, OR simply,
Oh, my classmate's name is Shadow.
2009-04-06 10:25 am

2009-04-04 9:12 pm
1)When I saw the image on the shallows of pond, I found that there are a shadow of shuttle!

2)Today I came to be known that my classmate's name is "shadow".
參考: ME

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