Hi Anthony 大師,
看到這裏這樣熱鬧, 小弟不禁好奇地想湊個熱鬧, 希望不要被歸類為"辣狄賽"之輩才好.^_^
Temperature and rainfall are the two most importang elements in describing climate. Very often, we draw climatic graphs to represent the patterns of these two elements.
<Joseph> 1. Wikipedia definition for climate components : temperatures, humidity, atmospheric pressure, winds, rainfall, atmospheric particle count and numerous other meteorological elements in a given region over long periods of time.
2. 經小弟以工程師的研究精神, 遍訪各指標氣象網站(Interactive Climate Map, Tropical Desert Climate (BWh), Drawing and interpreting climate graphs eg) , 發現均為 "temperature" and "rainfall"(or precipitation) --> 一比一小妹是對的!
Hong Kong is located along the southern coast of China.The latitude of Hong Kong is around 22.5N,which lies within the tropics,so it has a monsoon climate. Summers are warm and rainy while winters are cold and dry.Springs and autumn are relatively short.
香港位於中國的南方海岸。香港的緯度大約在北緯 22.5度左右,正於熱帶的範圍內,所以屬於(印度洋)季風型的氣候。夏天溫暖多雨,冬天則寒冷乾燥。春天和秋天相對地比較短暫。
<Joseph> 1. HK is actually loctaed in Southern China but in Southeastern Asia.
2. "southern coast" or "south coast" should be both valid or feasible to be used in this sentence.
3. from "travelchinaguide.com" introduction for HK's climate to get the guessed answers.
4. 乾冷的冬季從 1 1月至 2月,濕潤多霧的春季為 3月及 4月,濕熱的夏季則由 5月至9月,接著是晴朗短暫的秋季
The change of seasons in Hong Kong is mainly due to the shift of prevailing wind direction caused by the seasonal changes in air pressure over a large continent.We call this seasonal change of
wind monsoon.
版主大人: 小弟僅依樓上先進提供之答案, 加上網路資訊蒐集, 最後再佐以個人判斷提供以上解答 .... 意在於參與而能找到答案 .... 謝謝!
ps. 有些佐證資料還望請自行連結進入, 麻煩之處請予見諒!