Percentages maths Help?

2009-04-03 10:00 am
Hi all,

If I wanted to know say 65% of £792,000?
What would be the formula and way of working this out. Been out of school for 40 years and feeling really old now.

Thanks M<

回答 (4)

2009-04-03 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
792000 * 65 / 100 = 514,800
2009-04-03 6:09 pm
£792000 x 65%
= £792000 x 65/100
= £792000 x 13/20
= £10296000/20
= £514800
2009-04-03 5:06 pm
0.65 x 792,000=514,800 sterlin pounds.
2009-04-03 5:05 pm
it is like (65*792000)/100 =7920*65 =514800

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