introduce li ka shing

2009-04-04 7:27 am
Li ka shing is the richest person of chinese descent in the world, one of the richest and most influential investors in Asia. However, he does not hold a university.He started business ventures at young age without his parents' support.Gragually, he built up his business empire and has earnt $26.5 billions from the year he started working to 2007.

plz give check my grammatical mistakes and give some suggestions
(eg. organization)

回答 (1)

2009-04-05 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. However, he does not hold a university [degree]. 擁有大學「學位」

2. He started [ a number of] business ventures at [a] young age without his parents; support.

- started business ventures 文法上無錯, 但語法上好奇怪,
加 a number of 會突顯他的成就。

- young age 是單一名詞, 前面加 「a」

3. [Gradually], he built up his business empire and has earnt $26.5 [billion] from the year he started working.

- 相信你只是串錯了Gradually
- billion, million 在這裡不用加s, 要死背

Eg. What can you buy with $100 million?
Li Ka Shing has an estimated wealth of $26.5 billion.

million和billion加「s」後解作 「無數」!

eg: He has millions of toys . 他有無數的玩具。

我覺得你篇文簡潔明確, 組織不錯啊!
參考: self

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