about entrering U

2009-04-04 6:57 am
if a person is over 25, and he wants to study in a degree in a university, does he apply for it by Non-Jupas or by mature applicant?

Is it the apply for Non-Jupas of all the universities over in 2009 entering? Is it hopeless if I don't have related working experiences?

回答 (2)

2009-04-04 4:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實non-jupas係接受25歲或以上學生以年長生身份報名, 所以想用年長生身份報名就一定要經non-jupas報名. 不過報名要有條件, 除了要25歲或以上外, 大學亦要求學生有相關工作經驗, 及證明申請者有足夠能力完成課程.
不過, 年長生入大學有一定難度. 第一學位未必多. 第二, 工作經驗係點? 工作經驗同你所報讀科目要有關, 入學機會才會多點, 而且大公司工作經驗會有說服力. 第三是英語能力, 有無英文公開試成績證明到申請者語文水平係得?

2009-04-04 17:14:20 補充:
如果你想2009年9月入學, 你就要申請2009 entry. 不過, 差唔多全部大學non-jupas已經截止. 雖然有得late application, 但成功機會會較少, 因為唔少大學已經開始(或完成)面試, 相信就快放offer.

無相關經驗, 以年長生身份申請non-jupas, 成功率係近乎零. 除非你有高學歷, 這會增加一點成功機會, 但不要有太大期望.
2009-04-06 10:25 pm
Hi, as i mention in your previous question in yahoo before, you can direct entry in year 1 Universtiy Program if you meet the entry requirement HKCEE 5 passes, if not, you need to do foundation program then continue in University Degree, feel free to leave me an msg if you want to know more information.

Bachelor Degree will not count on your working experience, cheers

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