next to & near 的分別?

2009-04-03 10:33 pm
next to & near 的分別?

回答 (2)

2009-04-04 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
next to=喺....隔離,...可以係人/物
near = 近,通常指地方,近邊度

有1點非常唔同,near可以就咁用,後面唔加任何字,但係next to後面一家有其他字

He comes near, and stops next to the toilet
2009-04-06 6:15 am
He sits next to me = He sits by my side.
He sits near me = he could be two seats away from me or three seats away from me.
Hope it is clear to you

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